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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. best thing in the world is happening for greers right now.. its coming up.. probably gonna mess up fishing, but COE just about had all the water dropped off the spawing fish.. we were getting worried. water was nearly to the base of the buckbrush in most areas and thats toooooo low . I fished it 3 days last week, got rained out all week at work, so had to fish..... on wed. my 5 best fish went over 19lbs.. had a great day. thursday was awesome as well just not the big fish like the day before.. friday struggled until after lunch but did end up with a decent day. I see the result of last year when the fish had a good spawn... lake is full of last years spawning fish (dinks) which wont be "dinks" in a couple years, so thats good news to me. catch and release...
  2. it will take you 3 hours to get here from Springfield... and thats hammering down..
  3. Lake is HIGH.... bring 10ft johnboat.. lol...no fish biting.. 5-14-08
  4. Is Peter Creek as muddy as the forks on the upper end of the lake? they look like choc milk..... if I get rained out Fri. i'm headed your way... if I see ya i'll holler and say howdy.... thanks
  5. TroutTroller you fishing the peter creek area... thought I may head up there and try some whites..... I catch and release, hook a brother up....
  6. I felt like I could stand up in my boat and touch the bottom of the bridge... its weird seeing it that high.. narrows bridge is same way.. In my opinion White bass taste like eating mud cat... they suck.. but everybody has different taste buds......lol.... I have tried them every way in the world... never found a way to make them eatable ... they are fun to catch.. Trout Troller.... you should check the limit on whites.... unless i'm wrong.. I thought it was 6 fish a day? I could be wrong... ? catch and release....
  7. Greers is tough right now wouldnt you say trouttroller? Fished a tourney yesterday and only saw about 4-5 limits of fish.. Upper end of lake looks like chocolate milk and is up in peoples back yard. Water temp is still 5-6 degrees below what it should be for this time of year. Fish are scattered ... its just tough...
  8. Got rained out at work so I did head up the Fork today. Water was only 47 -51 by after lunch,,, still pretty cold. Found some pretty good bunch of shad and when we found the shad we caught bass.. Caught 8 for the day, only 3 that would measure for a tourney. Frenzy worked pretty good today. Jerkbait would have worked if water would not been like choc milk... headed back in the a.m... going to Salt creek in the a.m and check it out.
  9. Did you catch your fish trolling? I love to fish Peter Creek,, especially when the whites start it up.. I'm fishing middle fork on Sat. unless its lightening... in a Bass Cat..
  10. I live here. Troller gave you some good info. I however would run up to Choctaw area. You can bet on hybrids and whites already being in there. They were and have been every year by this time. You have to go through the little cut by the launching area into the bay where the creek runs into the lake. Its usually stacked with fish by now.. and its a very short boat ride...good luck.. its always hit and miss with them... >> unless its the third week of October..lol... then its on like a chicken bone..<
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