Just a question, or survey, if you may. I have been using Ed Story's (Feathercraft/St. Louis) shock leader for years. Was talking to a fellow at Montauk two weeks ago, and he found that it was strange I was still using it. He was using a 16' tapered leader... 16 is a bit big.
Anyway, for those who don't know this rig, which I love, you use a foot of Amnesia shock leader from your flyline, then loop to loop a 4 inch piece of shock gum (you get it from Feathercraft, but I guess it would be available elsewhere), then 4 foot of Amnesia, then tippet.
I've used this rig for years, fishing 8x tippets (2lb Maxima Chameleon or fluorocarbon). The only time I lost a trout was when I went to 1lb tippet...
Does anyone else use this setup?