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Everything posted by Mongo

  1. Guess not....
  2. Just a question, or survey, if you may. I have been using Ed Story's (Feathercraft/St. Louis) shock leader for years. Was talking to a fellow at Montauk two weeks ago, and he found that it was strange I was still using it. He was using a 16' tapered leader... 16 is a bit big. Anyway, for those who don't know this rig, which I love, you use a foot of Amnesia shock leader from your flyline, then loop to loop a 4 inch piece of shock gum (you get it from Feathercraft, but I guess it would be available elsewhere), then 4 foot of Amnesia, then tippet. I've used this rig for years, fishing 8x tippets (2lb Maxima Chameleon or fluorocarbon). The only time I lost a trout was when I went to 1lb tippet... Does anyone else use this setup?
  3. Mongo


    Then Mongo Kiss big fish Then Mongo let big fish go... Thank you for the welcomes, all...
  4. Mongo


    Thanks JJ. Water seems fine...
  5. Great photography, sad subject. I hope everyone recovers quickly. God Bless. Mongo
  6. Mongo


    Thanks guys, Yes, on the Alex Karras "Mongo" in Blazing Saddles. I got the nickname from my bowling team... don't know why... And, no, never punched a horse. Been around a few I could have shot easily, but I wouldn't want to hurt my hand. I'll let you know about April in Montauk. We are kind of concerned about the water levels and runoff, but typically I haven't found that to be a major issue. (Thinking about spending more time in the Trophy area this trip, though)
  7. Mongo


    My handle is Mongo, and I was referred here by a fellow trout man, jjtroutbum at MissouriCarry.com. I've been chasing my finny friends since 1965, when I was introduced to trout fishing by a friend of my dad's at Meramec Springs. Velvetta on a 14 treble if I recall... Kind of gave that up. Now use a flyrod 90% of the time, but I still enjoy my ultralight. Never been a fly snob, never will be. Wife and I go to Montauk in April, June, and August each year, and we try to get out for some day trips now and again. Tight lines to all.
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