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Everything posted by Downhilljohnny

  1. Thanks for your reply. I've only fished the weir one time and there were a bunch of boats there but all we caught were small crappie. Do you just deadstick your bait or jig it or cast and retrieve? I see in a few days they're pulling 10,000 cfs through the dam. Is that enough to bring the fish in?
  2. Thanks, Doroger. I have checked out crappie.com before and it is a good resource. We have fished KK island to Berry Bend before but never around Long Shoal so your advice is appreciated. If they happen to be pulling water we'll try some humps and the weir but our main goal is dipping for crappie. Thanks for your reply.
  3. Seven of us are headed to Truman next Sunday for four days of fishing. We're mainly going to be crappie fishing so if anyone has any suggestions we're all ears. Some of the guys want to try for walleye but I really have no idea where to go. The only place I know if is the flats near KK island. Anybody out there have any ideas for walleye this time of year? We are staying near Long Shoal and will probably be putting in at Long Shoal or Berry Bend.
  4. Thanks for the info. We did try it downstream a mile or so in a couple of eddies but no luck. I don't get there very often but usually have some success when they are running water, so was surprised when we didn't do too well on Friday.
  5. I fished Friday morning below the dam and didn't do very well. We were fishing mainly the area where the slack water meets the channel just below the cable and threw jigs and small crankbaits. We only caught about ten fish in five hours. Would you mind sharing where you fished and what you were using?
  6. It would be great to see this happen. Several years ago I was trying to get my 10 year old son interested in fly fishing and I took him to the upper lake hoping to try at one of the outlets. Every outlet was surrounded by adults, mostly older, and there was not a spot for him to get in. We ended up wading out a ways (they were running one unit) and he finally caught a small rainbow. I like to think that if I had been one of the guys fishing the outlet and saw a young boy come up to give it a try that I would offer him my spot and all the encouragement I could. I didn't know these guys and maybe there was a reason they couldn't wade the water. I personally don't fish the outlets because it doesn't seem very sporting but I also understand guys wanting to catch fish. One of the earlier posts mentioned enforcement but I don't see that as a problem. The honest person will play by the rules...the one's who don't won't anyway.
  7. I had a bass boat stolen several years ago. I had a preset amount of contents coverage with my boat policy but not nearly enough to cover what I had onboard. However, the rest was covered under my homeowners policy. My agent couldn't believe I had that much tied up in fishing gear but they paid off. The only drawback was that it was a claim on my homeowners and when I had another wind damage claim to the house a couple years later they wouldn't renew my policy.
  8. I tried fishing at outet 1 twice while still dark in the early morning. A couple mornings ago I caught 7 all on white jigs. I tried the small jerk baits but never had a bite. Probably wasn't fishing it the right way. This morning I caught 8 with the first 3 being browns. Once it got good and light they stopped biting which is usually the way it works for me when the water is down and I can wade. Both mornings I was fishing the jigs real slow and deep. Went to Roark one morning from about 7 to 9 and caught them the same way although I did get a few on a small sinking Rapala. Also caught a couple of whites and crappie while there. I haven't seen the water close to this high since I lived here back in the seventies. Been a few changes in the Branson area since that time.
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