It would be great to see this happen. Several years ago I was trying to get my 10 year old son interested in fly fishing and I took him to the upper lake hoping to try at one of the outlets. Every outlet was surrounded by adults, mostly older, and there was not a spot for him to get in. We ended up wading out a ways (they were running one unit) and he finally caught a small rainbow. I like to think that if I had been one of the guys fishing the outlet and saw a young boy come up to give it a try that I would offer him my spot and all the encouragement I could. I didn't know these guys and maybe there was a reason they couldn't wade the water. I personally don't fish the outlets because it doesn't seem very sporting but I also understand guys wanting to catch fish. One of the earlier posts mentioned enforcement but I don't see that as a problem. The honest person will play by the rules...the one's who don't won't anyway.