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JohnKiely's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. My buddy and I fished Turner to Riverton over two days and found fishing to be outstanding. We caught (and released!)over 25 rainbow in those two days. Having been on the river every year for over 20 years, we both commented that we thought this was a record year (personally) in terms of numbers as well as size. While the MDC had just stocked, the majority of the fish we caught were in the 13"-14" range, with several 15-16", and three beautiful fish at 16.5 - 17". We also hooked two others that I'm convinced were the best fish of the day (of course) but we were broken off. Best fishing was in the runs at the break between swift water and slow water, with everything fished DEEP. We had good success on corn, synthetic baits, and crawdads imitations. Also caught a couple smallies. All in all, a great trip. A few tricky spots to navigate on the river (downed trees, stumps) but if you pay attention (and don't drink too many beers) they are avoidable. Thanks once again to Brian and Ryan for all their help!
  2. Very interesting reading regarding Oregon Co, and the surrounding area. I'll need to search for that Irish Wilderness history. Makes for great campsite story telling. While we are big fans of Brian and Ryan, we are "lifelong" friends of Don (Don "the legend", as us St. Louisans refer to him!) My favorite anecdote of Don was the annual 'asking of the question'. Whenever we would be hauled to our put-in, inevitably someone would ask Don, "Hey Don, where are the fish this year?" His answer was always the same: "In the river". It's characters like Don that make this world a better place.
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