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Everything posted by joe

  1. Thanks Dano for the color choice joe Thanks Wayne about the Gant never would thought of that one JOE
  2. wow thanks guys for the info on the Flys sounds like a great box of toys for them I can play with them real good now I will get all of them and try each one of them and let you know how i did THANKS JOE
  3. like i said in my earler intro im new to this state what types of flyes are they are using for TROUT THANKS JOE
  4. thank you all for the info everyone i see i made a good choice
  5. Hey Guys Need your help in a choice for a fly rod for Bennet I was going to use a 8ft 5 want to know if its to big using a #5 line what do u think JOE
  6. joe


    HI FlyFishing Buddha( Sean) Great to hear from a neighbor FlyFisherman thanks for the info like I said in my Intro I have been here for only 2 yrs and still finding places to fish been going to Blue Springs. Been spinnin there had some luck last yr but this yr want to go FlyFishing been doing that in the North East Maine And Castskills Mts Need to get a New Fly Rod In my travels from Maine to here My Fly rod got broken be giong to go to Cabelas soon well i gabed enough hope to be chatting with u soon Tight lines to ya JOE p.s here is my Email addy for u and any body who want it jlvj4651@hotmail.com
  7. I want to thank hilley and wayne SW/mo for your info to my question the trout up in the NE are the same as you say wayne ill be fishing in Bronson thanks again JOE
  8. HI out there to all the Fly Fishermen, Just joined your group today im from the North East like Maine and Catskills Mts just moved here 2 yrs ago to Missouri I do FlyFish but still learnning my Flyes what I need to know what Flyies do i need here to use on Trout is it the same as the North East ? or do I need to get a new types of Flyies JOE
  9. joe


    Thank you for your replies Danoimark and Brian Saffer hope to have a good time JOE
  10. HEY Fitz keep thoes reports comming JOE
  11. HI Fitz welcome new here also joe
  12. Hi All Independence Missouri Here Name is joe, Been fishing since I was 10yrs, spin and Fly Fishing Been living in the North East Catskills Mts, And In Maine Great Fishing up there both spin and Fly Fly the best was up there in thoes areas for about 34 yrs now I moved here to Missouri here for over 2 yrs now still learnning the Fishing areas around here if any of you new Fishing buddies can pass some info my way would be helpful to me im going to go to Bronson this year hear the Trout fishing is good there Been fishing my area at Blue Springs Lake Hope to hear from all you new Fishing Buddies out there Tight Lines to All of you, JOE
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