Actually what I had in mind was using something like a hybrid backpack/chestpack and carrying my gear all day. For an overnighter, I can get the weight fairly low--excluding food and fishing gear, my overnighter camping gear weighs about 7 pounds, including the backpack--but the bulk of having all that on my back would not be ideal in terms of comfort throughout the day. Also, I wouldn't really want to do something like that in any season but summer, when I can definitely get away with barely any extra clothes. I can use a lightweight dry bag to keep my sleeping bag dry, but dry bags are heavy and so is clothing and I think even a 12 pound total backpack (once loaded with food, water, fishing gear), would be pushing it. OTOH, in the off-season, it would be as you say, and setting up camp on a gravel bar, or even in the woods out of sight from passersby, would be less worrisome in regards to people finding my camp--or rather, I could just stash my backpack full of my gear in a certain spot and then unpack it only when I return from fishing that day. I guess the only problem with that would be animals chewing a hole in my backpack to get the food inside.