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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Float is 9 miles from the bridge to Ho Hum. I don't recommend that length if your primary interest is fishing and want to spend quality time at each hole you cross. Most of my fishing occurred from the bridge to NRO (about 4-5 miles which is perfect). I still had a good ways to go and was burning time with the sun so from NRO to Ho Hum it was primarily a float trip although I passed over several good looking holes.
  2. For those contemplating a trip to the Niangua. I floated the stretch between the 64 bridge and Ho Hum. Still up and dingy but certainly fishable. A full sinking line and weighted black wooly's will do the trick. Get it down and add additional weight it if you have to because they're on the bottom. Be prepared to lose flies as once visible potential snags under normal conditions are hidden. Nice light cahill hatch throughout the afternoon but nothing coming up for them and I only landed one on a weighted cahill nymph.
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