I have caught at least 5-6 browns on the Illinois in the past few weeks. More down by watts than the dam. But I know I've hooked two at the dam area.
I'm planning on being at the river this weekend both Saturday and Sunday. It's getting hot this week as far as temp goes. I hope the fishing holds for another week or two.
I fished all last week from Wed to Sunday and the previous weekend.. Most days I hooked about 20 to 35 fish with one day Friday just a few. The previous Saturday I hooked about 50 to 70 fish it was a boomer day. Mostly on red san Juan Worms and a fire orange san Juan. I cought a few on John berry's green butt. there is a caddis fly that is inch worm green that I could not quite match with what I had in my boxes. I think that the fish rising early with violent rises were either getting that caddis or an emerger of that caddis.
What is this Bob White pattern you speak of. I would really like to know what that patttern is. I have searched this site and I see his name in many places but no fly recipe to speak of.
The Illinois is fishing great right now in my opinion. I have hooked a few really nice trout in the 19 to 22" range. Maybe a one bigger I don't have a tape measure. The fish seem very healthy. I had a blast last week taking off work and fishing. It did wonders for my spirit.
I drive the black Toyota Tacoma 4-Door pickup with the wildlife stickers on the back window. I do not know very many of the people on this forum but I would love to meet some of you guys and fish with you some day. I will join the Trout Unlimited club and start attending some meetings this fall. I know I should have done that already. This is my 3rd year fishing the Illinois. I really think its way underrated.
So if anyone knows what this BOB White pattern is I would really like to check it out.
And let me know if I can be of assistance to you folks in anyway. I tie some flys pretty well and some I'm still perfecting. But I would be happy to share any of my knowledge with anyone.
Anyway tite lines.
Martin Black
The guy sounds a lot like me but a little more brave. I'm sure a book with that title would all but get you hung today.............What a character. I knew I liked the guy.
Thanks for the info
Yeah I think this last rain event with 3-5" probably pretty much toasted us on fishing for the rest of the summer. I'm planning a colorado trip, I guess all the money I'll save on driving to the lower illinois I will be able to extend my Colorado trip.
Major bummer but its good for the fish. There will be some really nice fish in there at the end of summer beginning of fall. good luck to everyone.
4wt Martin
I really have luck on a red or black zebra midge. Birdsnest beadheads, hares ears anything tan works well also.
haven't fished the lower illinois yet this year due to high water, are there any reports of times they have not generated?