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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I have searched the archives looking for some information, but cannot find any. I am looking to covert to side imaging and have a few questions. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I currently run Lowrance for both of my graphs. My console graph is a LCX-104C and my front graph is an LMS-520C. Both are color graphs with GPS. My graphs operate independently of each other. Therefore, I cannot share waypoints between the two units. I am interested in networking my untis and would like to konw which manufacturer offers the best system. I know that I want SI capability, but I am also interested in DI. Is there a unit that performs both? I am leaning towards the Hummingbird 998C SI for my console unit. I would like to view SI/DI from the bow. What is my best option to combo? Am I wrong for leaning towards Hummingbird? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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