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  1. Me & my crew love Grandma's kitchen. Although, I wouldn't recommend taking a cup full of a freshly made Bloody Mary in the door to have with your breakfast. You will politely be asked to leave. Other than that, the breakfast is super & the seafood buffet on Friday night is killer.
  2. Sorry to hear about the trouble you had with the jet boats. I've been paddling the 11-Point for the past 5 years & I've never had any trouble like that during the week. I'll admit, the river does get a little crowded on the weekends. For the most part, the jet boaters have been very cordial to our group. Often times, they have assisted in retrieving gear that had been lost from someone turning over. Last year, they assisted in contacting our outfitter due to an injury that someone in our group had. My buddy had just gotten out of back surgery about 3 months before our river trip. He turned over & hit a rock in the spot where the surgery took place. Without the help of the jet boaters it would have been one hell of a long day. Anyway, sorry you didn't have a true 11-Point experience. I will be doing the same stretch of the river that you did. I'll be paddling Greer to Riverton for an overnight trip on July 22-23. Hoping to catch some fish as well. Then the rest of our crew will be in town on Thursday evening for two - one day floats. We'll do Greer to Whitten & then Riverton to the Narrows on Day 2. We always use 11 Point Canoe Rentals. Brian & Ryan, along with their staff, have been great to us. Don't give up on the river - maybe it will be better next time out......... Brad FH&S Expeditions
  3. Brian, From what I've read over the past couple of weeks seems as though the fishing has been pretty solid. Jeff Simms & I will be getting into town late Tuesday afternoon. Staying at the motel for the night. We will be at your store on Wednesday morning. Looking forward to our overnight trip & hoping to catch some fish. Ryan gave me some advice on what should be used for ultralight setups. We are planning to float/fish from Greer to Riverton with a Thursday afternoon takeout. Looking to camp around Turner's or Stinking Pond. Looking for advice on a gravelbar campsite that will provide some fishing opportunities as well. The rest of the crew will arrive in Alton on Thursday afternoon. Can't wait to get back up there..... Any ideas on the campsite??? Thanks, Brad Harralson
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