dont know bout Branson, I figger'd it'd be like anywhere else if you bang on enuff stumps you'll find'm in a lil while,, here in Broken Pole,OK as fisherman would call it, we bang on stumps till they answer the hook,, I told some other people on anuther forum C.C if any of you know what that means about the lighting system i built nearly 25 yrs ago and the same method is still werking that secret green lite bulb will prolly werk but if I'm out ta drag in baitfish I would want ta put out as much light as I could ta drag in the zooplankton, shad, crappie and like someone said if its too deep the sand bass will eat anything ya drop down there even a bare gold hook... I'll see if I can get the drawings and specs and shopping list outta my old computer and post or e-mail them if ya want them just shoot me a p/m, I've been using the same one fer 10 yrs now and that bulb has take'n some pretty good hits and still werks and cost me less than $10. when I built it...