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Everything posted by CRAPPIEDENTIST

  1. got 60 kept 14 JAKE
  2. 14 3/4" & thick JAKE
  3. this is 1 of 8 outta 40... JAKE
  4. its just anuther toy that gets under my better 1/2's skin,, however she like a lotta my toys, sumpin ta do ta pass the time, it gets used but very rarley... JAKE
  5. dont know bout Branson, I figger'd it'd be like anywhere else if you bang on enuff stumps you'll find'm in a lil while,, here in Broken Pole,OK as fisherman would call it, we bang on stumps till they answer the hook,, I told some other people on anuther forum C.C if any of you know what that means about the lighting system i built nearly 25 yrs ago and the same method is still werking taday...now that secret green lite bulb will prolly werk but if I'm out ta drag in baitfish I would want ta put out as much light as I could ta drag in the zooplankton, shad, crappie and like someone said if its too deep the sand bass will eat anything ya drop down there even a bare gold hook... I'll see if I can get the drawings and specs and shopping list outta my old computer and post or e-mail them if ya want them just shoot me a p/m, I've been using the same one fer 10 yrs now and that bulb has take'n some pretty good hits and still werks and cost me less than $10. when I built it... JAKE
  6. well lets see,, this is when I had 3,, now I've got 8,, between the stereo with Saturday Night Fever a blasting out of the 8 track and the DISCO ball, they tell me I make a cove look like a PARTY.... JAKE
  7. well fisherman put me down fer 2,, I see yer in Branson can I come pick those up this weekend,, think I mite drive the VW microbus up there ta pick'm up,, I gotta diners club card that I'll assume you'll take and I'll see if I can throw a sack of Maters tagether if you'll throw in some lanyards,,hahhahaahaaa JAKE
  8. its a green bulb that needs weight ta keep it down and draws baitfish to it from what I hear, nutting spectacular justa very expensive light bulb, ya can get one of hose bulbs at any lighting supply store and rig yer own up a heck of a lot cheaper than that.. combined with a white floating light in the front it does werk,, but its a scam if ya ask me.. JAKE
  9. here ya go, on the trailer with electronics in,, I have construction pics also,, this was actually built for a customer that wanted a few changes made to it then never finished pay'n fer it, it became another one of my playtoys JAKE
  10. Vince,, dont know bout where yer at but here in OKLA they are ON of a nite time... JAKE
  11. JAKE
  12. I had 3 at the time the pic was taken,, now I got 8-4 footers and it does lite us a cove,, makes yer line look like 1/4"rope JAKE
  13. I saw a fat indian boy buildng a kayak,, Oh wait that was a picture of me..haha JAKE
  14. cant help ya much on canoes however I do like wooden kayaks,,, heres on I built it does everything I need it to,, throw the camping gear inner and a couple of rods and show me the water,, we put 940# inner in a swimming pool when the water just broke over the sides.. JAKE
  15. just stop'd by ta say hey,, new hear but forum savvy,,crappie & gill fish in OK mostly,,dont get outta OK muchcuz there too much water here that i havent fished yet,, gotta bass boat and a homemade kayak.. really like the kayak but rarely getta go by myself... JAKE
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