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Everything posted by jeremy

  1. seat height to center of seat is 26.5 inches
  2. suzuki jr80, oil injected 2 stroke, starts 1st or second kick..easy enough a 9 yr old can start it, new throttle tube and housing, new airbox and air filter, carb rejetted, new spark arrestor, new tube in rear tire, front and rear brakes like new, custom e-z pull clutch arm (my 5 yr old can pull the slutch in no problem). My son doesnt ride it, I bought it 8 months ago, he has ridden it maybe 4 times. its taking up space and collecting dust. needs to go. its a great bike, i hate to get rid of it..but nobody is riding it. plenty of power..pulls me around like nothing. 5 speed, great bike to transition a kid from the auto 50's to a clutch bike (they have to learn sometime) my son learned how t use the clutch in about 3 hours. 750 OBO, or trade even up for a nice deer rifle/scope combo (no youth guns)
  3. i guess i should introduce myself, i am the father of that 5yr old little boy. he was stung over 16 times, and is terrified of going back there
  4. alright, awesome..another stupid question though...where is dj's??? and where does a guy find those jigs at?
  5. picture of the jig? i cant ever catch anything down there. been there 4 times in the past month and we are lucky to get 1 fish in 6 hours of fishing.
  6. oh, and i guess if any of the bee wrnglers here would like to go clean up the nest. its the last hole before the bridge, at the last walkout before the "waterfall" hang a right into the woods, youll find out where they are pretty quick. oh, get a video too.
  7. yeah...thats funny. may 10,000 hungry chiggers find their way into your tighty whiteys
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