Hi All,
I bought an old cabin and boat dock on Bull Shoals just below Beaver Creek a little over a year ago. It's the cruddy looking old wood dock where the high lines cross, furthest downstream. It ain't much, but it's paid for....the cabin is up the road a mile or so on Copperhead Road west of Cedar Creek. Have not had too much time to use either one very much but I hope that will change.
Have pretty well forgot everything I ever knew about fishing and could use a good refresher course. Don't know anyone in this area and would like to get acquainted. I've got a pretty good aluminum Lowe Roughneck 1752 with a Johnson 50. Not into all this hi tech stuff and sure don't care about trying to impress anyone, like to go on a pretty low key and enjoy the whole experience. Not above actually eating a fish or several.
Drop a line if you run out of anybody to go fishing with, and if you ever need to use that dock for a little bit feel free. Just treat it like it was your own and leave things like you found them. Pretty good spot to eat a sandwich or get out and stretch your legs. "Old timers" are sure welcome, I'm getting there quicker than I thought...!
fisheyboy (Doug Earnest) fisheyboy at centurytel dot net