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  1. If I wasn't doing anything Wrong???? Not sure what that means troutchaser but I believe you said exactly what I commented in my post. My hackles are fine, just making a point. No offense was taken in the original posting. This kind of discussion is what begins to cause trouble, hence the end of the last post related to this topic. With That said lets end this... Have a very Merry Christmas!!!!!
  2. Wow!! what a witch hunt...... I come down to the upper lake when I'm in the area for work. I wear a suit and a button up shirt. Am I up to something except fishing? You bet, I'm down there checking out the water and wishing I was fishing instead of working. I'm all about keeping personal issues out of public eyes just like the rest of you but I think this wondering and suspicion has gotten out of hand. Guess I can't come down unless properly dressed.........Just a thought
  3. Wow those jigs ROCK! Started with a Rouge and only had one hit, switched the wonder jig (PMS) and we were off. Leonard, I didnt know your fish was that much bigger until looking at the pics next to each other, your fish was a hog! Oh ya did you see that beaver again after I left?......... I still say it was a Raccoon! Awesome nights fishing! Brent
  4. Now that cold weather coming in the pattern should fade off, it worked really well Sunday because we had 60 degree day and sunshine. Most of the strikes seemed to be reaction strikes as well, the fish i casted to were actually midging in the shallows.
  5. Leanard Glad to hear that the hopper pattern worked for you as well. Sorry I wasn't able to make it this week. i'll be sure to be there next week! Brent
  6. I would say numbers are down overall. I wanted to add that I caught around 40 over a two day period this weekend. Most of these fish fought hard similar to what Phil said, it was after the fight when I had to work at reviving the fish to make sure the made it. In some cases this meant working the fish in current for a minute or two. These fish are a great resource to locals and tourist alike. Please take the time to make sure they are good shape. It is so sad to watch someone catch a fish fight it to exhaustion then just sling it back into the river, in most cases to it's death. The lake is having problems this year, I think we would all agree this has put an enormous amount of stress on the trout population.
  7. Had the pleasure of watching these guys navigate rebar hole Saturday in A pontoon boat, problem was water turned off and they didn't get out in time. They ended up making it and were in good spirits the whole way through, kind of reminded me of what it might of been like for Lewis And Clark.... Ha Ha Ha. Anyways hope you guys made it back to Lilly's ok!
  8. The best I could tell they were all rainbows. All average size. I even saw a dead flathead catfish ...... probably around 4 or 5 lbs.
  9. I fished both Saturday and today. I noticed a disturbing trend.... As you can see from the picture there were a large number of dead fish. There were 5 in this group alone, I walked from the big hole to outlet 2 this evening and counted 37 dead. Not sure what is causing it, there are always dead fish especially after a busy weekend however today seemed really bad. I have noticed that I have had to really revive the fish i have caught in order to make sure they live to see another day.
  10. My dad came down over the weekend so we headed down for some night fishing.... Got down just after dark, he doesn't fish much so took a couple of spinning rods 6Lb test, some cd-9 rapalas and some black mepps spinners. Started off up by cable picked up 4 rainbows around 14-15 in right off the bat on the mepps. as we worked down made a cast right up against bank and wham, a fish slammed the spinner headed upstream tearing off around 50 yards of line in a blink. Soon after turned down stream and away we went. My dad and I ran into another gentleman wading and he went to the truck to get a bigger net, this fish was big real big! I chased it to just above outlet two when the water got to deep to go any further. Tried to make a stand, by this time the fish had nearly spooled my reel.... tightened down drag and bam he came off. Still not sure how big it was or even what it was, one thing was for sure I have never had a fish spool over a hundred yards of line so fast and i can tell you this, I at no point even slowed him down. The current was really strong 4 generators of course so that didn't help. Moral of the story... he's still out there boys!!!!! Oh ya a special thanks goes out the helpful fellow night fisherman that went for the net, he worked the bank with me all the way to outlet two before we lost the fish.. I always meet great people down on the bank, I hope I can return the favor sometime. Tight lines........
  11. Leonard You going to be down friday night? I'm going to fish hard this weekend.... maybe we can even get a couple more of those walleyes...LOL I'll be down before dark ... dark grey charger. Send me a line if you can make it. Brent
  12. Have they opened any flood gates since the major rain? I dont want any flooding, but that seems to get things stirred up. Seems like I have noticed that the higher the water the larger the stick baits..... Blue/Silver still seem to be working well. Leonard, I'm still chasing that one that got off when I was fishing with you.
  13. Thought I would post these pics, I'm new to the board but not Taney, I have seen some discussion on Walleyes in Taney and thought I would share these. These two bruisers were two of the largest fish caught in one night while I was fishing with Leonard and another guy (sorry I forgot your name). Leonard you're the man.....sorry i'm just now getting these posted, by the way that PMS you gave me finally bit the dust! I caught so many fish on that jig over the last few weeks the paint wore off the jig head. High water...... bring it on... it makes bad boys like these come up to the upper lake.
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