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Everything posted by MissouriBreaks

  1. The wife and I put 5 nice gobblers in the freezer and 1 bearded hen. We started early in Kansas, also helped the neighbor get his first longbeard. http://www.hunt101.com/data/526/thumbs/nomo1.jpg http://www.hunt101.com/data/526/thumbs/rio11.jpg
  2. Here is the link to the info you're looking for. These passes are actually good for all Corp of Engineers Lakes. I use this at Bull Shoals when I go there. http://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/st/RecFeeProgram.cfm
  3. If you think God is a deity, you're prolly not from around here.
  4. How many of you catch a limit of crappie or a big walleye or a big bass and pause a second to say Thank you Lord. I do everytime.
  5. Put in yesterday March 19, at CC about 4 in the afternoon and went all the way up Turnback till you get to the Sycamore across the river. Lots of people in boats and floats. Lots fishing from shore. I saw quite a few people catching white bass. One boat had 20. We caught 11 largemouth no keepers. It was a beautiful afternoon.
  6. Hey Bob, I can't believe he called you Marty!
  7. Call the Stockton Lake Guide, his rates are reasonable and he'll show you how to catch those crappie and walleye. What I like about Bob is he will answer my phone calls when I'm going fishin on my own and tell me what they're bitin on and where to look. http://www.fishstocktonlake.com/
  8. Bob and I spent 2 1/2 hours on the water today. We caught 2 limits of crappie and threw back 10 short fish in the process. Thanks for the trip Bob.
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