Don't get me wrong, I don't think access points should be closed due to a few bad seed. I'm very much in favor of free access to public lands! But it's not just a trash problem. When you have people that want to get off the beaten path to those secluded places, many times they get too destructive with their vehicles (i.e. 4WD's playing along the way, two wheel drives getting themselves in a bad spot), or build camp fires and don't properly contain them and making sure they're out before they leave. I used to work for MDC back in the early 80's and worked several river accesses close to St. Louis. There was never a problem with the mature individuals that were there to enjoy the area. It was always idiots that were too selfish to consider their fellow man that caused the problems. We tried very dilligently to deal with only those who abused the accesses. We even got to the point of hiding in the bushes to catch them. However, there were areas we ended up blocking off because of those less respectfull. Then they wondered why they could no longer drive into those blocked areas. Hmmmm....lets see, weren't you the one I caught doing dohnuts with your big ole 4X4 in the grass area a few weeks ago?
My biggest point to all of this is we should do what we can to keep our lands open for our use. We just need to make sure we are respectfull and help those around us to do the same. In other words, don't give the government or private land owners a reason to close access.