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Trolling For Walleye

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Everything posted by Trolling For Walleye

  1. Update on your trolling experiences? That's pretty much the only style of fishing i've really done and i've always had moderate success with hellbenders and storm rattle tots or hot 'n tots i am new to downrigging though and am pretty excited about that.
  2. Hey, i've got a dumb question.. when you buy one of these things, does with come with the transducer, or do you have to buy one separately? I don't know much about the transducers or which one i'd need... Would the one from my old LCR 4000 Humminbird hook into a new Humminbird? (backwards compatible?)
  3. Appears Humminbird already has the 788 out http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...0003000_250-3-2 I wonder how it's different from the 787? Good price from what i can tell
  4. i had my luck also at the point at Campbell's point!! I will try harder there. I have not made my way over to Big M though.. i'll mark it down.. Thanks a ton!
  5. Thanks for the additional advice. I think based on what you are telling me, i'm ruling the Garmin OUT and i'll just have to decide between that Lowrance 527 and the Humminbird.. i really think that Platinum Maps thing sounds cool, but you do have to buy a nice unit to get it.. the Lowrance 527 is compatible with those platinum maps.... Time to actually head over to bass pro to look at them live instead of just online.. and maybe there will be a display at the KC Sports Show in a few weeks.
  6. If I do go Lowrance, I would go with the 527. What does the increased watts even do?
  7. I passed on that idea after what MWBP folk said re: Truman. I was just flirting with the idea.. but I'm sticking with the Rock.. i'll just suck up and keep making the drive.
  8. you don't think the 3D platinum maps are worth it? that's good if they aren't. saves me money looks like the 787 c2i isn't even compatible with platinum maps anyway http://www.navionics.com/HMPremium08CompatiblePlotters.asp
  9. Thanks Don and Bassman, On Amazon right now, the garmin 535s is $765.35 - this does not have a 3D imaging thing for under water like the others offer (optionally) The Lowrence 522c is $616.14 - although i'd probably want the navitronics HotMaps Platinum for TAble Rock lake, which is another $183 The Humminbird 787c2i NVB is $650 on Amazon right now - but again i'd probably want the hotMaps Platinum Also, I'm not really big on installation... (i have an old Humminbird LCR 4000 now), so i'm going to have to pay probably 2 hrs of labor to get it installed. Yes, I"m looking for 2D fishing mainly, but the 3D under-water stuff looks really cool, which is why i'd get the hotmaps platinum.
  10. Anyone have any thoughts on: Garmin 535s vs. Humminbird 787c2i NVB Combo vs. Lowrence 522 iGPS
  11. Just introducing myself here. I'm 31, have been boating on Table Rock Lake since my youth (but live in the KC area) I recently acquired a boat that I keep near the Shell Knob Area. It's an older sea-faring type boat, and the way it is set up is not very conducive to traditional cast-fishing. I've got some older (but still working great) Abu Garcia baitcasters, and i've got an older Humminbird monochrome depth-finder (which also works well) I also have a down-rigger to get my crankbait down deeper I have had somewhat good success trolling for bass with crankbait along bluffs. Last year I even caught a walleye (DELICIOUS), and a few white and small-mouth bass also. I'm mostly catch-and-release unless i catch a good walleye (of course they have to be over 18") I would like to learn more from this forum about the art of catching walleye, trolling techniques, and where some hot spots are. This seems like a pretty cool forum. Any advice on books to read, or places to fish would be awesome! Thanks and I look forward to reading and posting more here.
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