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Everything posted by msamatt

  1. Gary and Smallmouth Joe: Thanks for your enthusiasm, advice, and offer to help. I was trying to iron out a date. I didn't know that BassPro had a meeting room but I've just sent an e-mail to the store manager. I think having the meeting there makes a lot of sense. Joe, thanks for the offer, we may end up taking you up on it. So, I'm working on this and will be sure to post as soon as I've ironed out a date, location, and time. Denjac: We're not intentionally ignoring Joplin but Springfield is just that much closer to St. Louis so I'd like to hold this meeting first, then maybe a little later on we can get down to Joplin (maybe some of the new members we sign up in Springfield might be willing to drive down to Joplin). Again, thanks for taking the time to post with the good advice about a potential meeting location.
  2. Denjac: Thanks for the advice. I'll add it to the to do list. Matt
  3. I'm writing to make everyone aware that 11 Point Canoe Rental's Brian Sloss is the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance's guest speaker during our January 20th meeting in St. Louis. We hold our meetings from 6:30-9 p.m. at the MDC's Powder Valley Nature Center in Kirkwood. Please come out and meet Brian and learn more about this Ozark jewell. Here's more info: http://www.missourismallmouthalliance.org/MSA/Calendar.html
  4. Great trip report and nice pics. Tito, are you coming the MSA meeting in St. Louis on January 20th with Brian?
  5. Gents: I'm glad to read that you guys are still interested. I've already contacted the good folks at the Conservation Nature center in Springfield. Due to staffing cutbacks and high demand there is no room at that particular Inn unless another group decides to cancel an meeting. The nice guy to whom I spoke recommended that I try the Springfield-Greene County library system as they have lots of meeting rooms. I've contacted the appropriate people at the Library Center (their HQ in Springfield) and am waiting on a response. I need to coordinate things with Al and other members but I told the library staff that I was interested in one of 3 Saturdays in February 2/6, 2/20/, and 2/27. So, we're on top of this and are working on logistics. I'll post more info when I have it.
  6. Wily: You're right, he did have all of that stuff but he still accomplished everything he did by hand without power tools and a small army of helpers (that is if you believe his version of the story. I don't have any reason not to). I don't think he ever makes the claim that he ws a loner totally alone in the wilderness. If you're looking for a great survival story of man vs. wild, then this isn't it. Try Mawson's Will instead.
  7. Wily: Although I'm generally familiar with the story I've never read that book, in no small part because the kid's total lack of preparedness disgusted me. I need to actually read the book. I've never thought of comparing the two books but it would be an interesting study in contrasts: Dick Proenneke was an older man with all sorts of life experience who was in very fit physical and emotional shape. He had all of the tools, literall and figuratively, to succeed. And he did. Chris McCandless, I think is his name, didn't have any of that. He set off like Henry David Thoreau. He didn't, however have all sorts of friends to lean on like Thoreau did and he decided to head into a much less forgiving environment. I've never read anything by Krakauer but I'll check out this book. Thanks for the suggestion.
  8. There are those people who choose not to gig smallmouth bass for any number of reasons and there are those who gig smallmouth bass. I don't gig smallmouth bass. How do I convince those who do to stop? The LAW can either catch them and punish them. Some of these criminals will stop, others will work harder to evade capture. How do we attempt to fix the root problem: those who feel that it is alright to gig smallmouth? I'm not sure. That's the rub. I'm going to try to figure out how some law abiding, ethical giggers, have convinced those who gig smallmouth to stop. In the meantime, I'm every bit as disgusted with those people who choose to gig smallmouth, large and small. Do I blame someone who mistakenly gigs a smallie? Nope, just add it to your catch. You made a mistake, man up and pay the price if you're caught. Those of you who intentionally gig smallies, and I know you're not reading this forum anyway, shame on you. I hope that your peers are also disgusted and let you know. Those of you who don't let them know, shame on you. Let's do what we can to make it socially unacceptable to gig smallies and other sport fish.
  9. Hey Gary: Thanks on both counts. I was on a great lake trout lake in Quetico three years ago but I was paddling like a demon in order to cope with large quartering waves and all I could focus on was stroking and reaching the far shore as fast as possible. We passed about seven other canoes filled with guys trolling about this large, bowl shaped lake. I don't know that our 2010 trip will take us into any lake trout water but I think it would be fun to catch lake trout, walleye, and of course, smallmouth on the same wilderness trip. I didn't make it to Quetico in 2009 but had a great trip in 2008 and I'm really looking forward to the trip in 2010. You'll be hearing more about the MSA expansion and the plans develop. We're almost done with the website update and I sent an e-mail to members so they can take a sneak peak at the new forum. If you didn't get the e-mail shoot me an p.m. and I'll send you the link. Its still a work in progress but I like it. Thanks for your support. Matt
  10. I developed tendonitis in my left shoulder last winter and it took me about six weeks of serious physical therapy, and constant working out ever since to regain my full range of motion and then help keep it in shape. The good news is that all of the other stretching and weight lifting I do to help keep that shoulder working are good for the rest of my body as well. I don't think there are any quick cures to tendonitis or tennis elbow, just unrelenting work to help manage the pain and regain your range of motion. Your doc should refer you to a physical therapist.
  11. I want to improve my fly fishing skills to the point where I'm not constantly aggravated by my lack of technical abilility. So, practice and repeat. I'm also planning on turning 40 on a 10 day fishing trip in Quetico with three good friends and am going to try to catch a lake trout this time around. I've caught plenty of smallies, pike, and walleye in the past but haven't caught a laker just yet. We'll see.
  12. Both the documentary and the book are really inspiring. Mr. Proenneke was a uniquely patient, and talented man. I don't know that anyone could easily replicate what he did. You need to keep in mind that he was a child or the depression who grew up in rural america, was a Navy veteran and a highly skilled mechanic who had all sorts of life and mechanical training before he set out to build his cabin and live alone in Alaska. I think everything in his life, from his personaility to his training, prepared him for success. It took him lots of patience, courage, the ability to live alone, and the abilty to put in lots and lots of back breaking work day after day to succeed. That he did so gracefully is one of the inspirational aspects of the story. I have a hard time keeping my house in order so... Anyway, both the book and the documentary are very worthwhile.
  13. Hey Andy: As a member of the MSA you're already a member of Stream Team 509 and can do any work under our "wing". If you want to start your own ST I say go for it, the MSA and MO Stream Team will support you. While you're thinking about that why don't you contact our Stream Team Captain Dennis Norton at either (636) 537-5476 or dnorton3@charter.net Dennis is a great guy and you and he can discuss your options. Shoot me an e-mail offline if you don't mind and let's talk about the SEMO chapter of the MSA. Thanks, Matt
  14. Guys: I really like some of the positive thinking in this post. After having Gary and others turn a critical eye on the MSA's website I've been working on updating its content so it provides more of the type of information he and others have mentioned including a forum which is already up and running as I type). We should have all of this done before the new year (I hope). CGB: I agree that all it takes is small groups of committed people to get something done, from small things big things grow right? Al and I have been talking about when we can make it down to Springfield or someplace else in SWMO to give a talk. So far February and March are looking like the best months for us. So, do you have any suggestions as to where and when? I know the MDC has a conservation nature center in Springfield that we could probably use.
  15. Chief: I just read your response and I know that you weren't attacking the MSA. Having followed the OAF for about a year now I know that you enjoy being a provacateur and I mean that with all due respect. I was suffering from a little foot in the mouth disease coupled with a temporary disconnect between brain and fingers when I replied earlier in this thread. Anyway, I don't take your comments as attacks on me or the MSA. You and Gary, and others raise some valid points. So thanks for the criticism and Merry Christmas eve. Matt
  16. Gary: I appreciate you being blunt and to the point and you should toot the ISA's horn. The ISA is a great organization and has really accomplish some terrific things thanks to the hard work from members like yourself. It sounds like you did a great job as their Chicagoland coordinator and I appreciathow you've used that experience while applying a really critical eye to our website and my comments. I'll admit that I've been feeling a bit defensive and instead of just working taking the opportunity to promote my organization and to change things I've made some stupid and poorly worded comments online. I can see how some readers might think we're some secret organization. We're not, I'm proud of the members we have and what we've done. I actually do view you and everyone else on this forum as potential members, and, more importantly as other anglers who are probably interested in the health of our Missouiri fisheries as much as I am. At this point all I can do say I made some stupid remarks, I can be cranky as the next guy, and I hope that readers don't judge me or the MSA solely on those comments. I really appreciate your constructive criticism and I'm going to use it while I work with other members of the MSA to address some of these issues you and others have raised. Let's keep this convesation going. The MSA can clearly do a better job of promoting ourselves to you and other members of this forum and we're going to keep trying. Merry Christmas Eve, Matt
  17. Wayne, Gary, Eric, and CGB: All of you make some good points and we're working on updating the website. I'll be the first one to admit that we're a little bit behind the curve when it comes to staying abrest of the latest and greatet which online tools offer and I agree it couldn't hurt to have a more robust web presence. Gary I particularly like how well the ISA lists all of the conservation work which they've done over the years. All of this said, it does take some time to get what you want. I appreciate you taking the time to view the website and post your criticism. Matt
  18. Hey Gary: I don't disagree with a single thing you write in your last post but I do want to clarify a few things 1. There is only one Missouri Smallmouth Alliance and we have been working to creating world class smallmouth fishing in Missouri since 1992 (We've been around longer than the ISA). We currently have members who live and fish throughout the entire state. While the majority of us do, in fact, live in the Metro St. Louis area that doesn't necessarily diminish our ability to work towards our mission. Do we want more members from throughout the state, sure. 2. While we've had a SWMO chapter in the past we don't have one now. I'm working to change that. 4. 3. Non MSA members have made most of the posts to this thread so please don't mistake some of the heated posts som sort of internal fractiousness within the MSA. Its not. 4. You seem like someone who should belong to the MSA, shoot me an e-mail (wierfish@yahoo.com).
  19. If each of the people who responded that they are interested in a Soutwest Missouri chapter of the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance please contact me at wierfish@yahoo.com we can discuss what we need to do to start this. Thanks for your interest. Matt
  20. Drew, its not secret but its kinda a need to know number. I know and I'm not sure why you need to know. Is there some magic number which you would read which will either be the incentive for you to join or the reason why you don't want to join? We're a relative small organization, we currently have, to the best of my knowledge around 230 paid members. Our number of members always go up and down. That said, because we partner with other organizations such as the Conservation Federation of Missouri our voice is larger. As far as your other questions are concerned here goes: Is anthing done West of the Current: what do you mean by done? Do we have members who fish and live West of the Current? Sure. Have we posted our signs at river accesses West fo the Current? Yep. Do we pay attention to an represent the interests of anglers who live and fish in Western MO, you bet. Do we survey fish size? Nope, we don't have the means to do that, in fact that's the MDC's job. I don't understand what you mean about the "incentive is there for profection of the western Ozark streams..." I think you misconstrue what we do. We don't make the fishing regs, the Missouri Conservation Commision does. Have I fished any streams west of Springfield? Not personally, I've fished the James, Finley, and Flat creek but that's as far West as I've fished in Missouri. Does that mean that I don't care, and the MSA doesn't care about the waters and smallies in that part of the state? Nope, it doesn't have anything to do with it. Why should you join? 1. You took the time to respond to this thread so, unless you just like stirring the pot, you probably actually care about the quality and health of our Missouri Ozark stream smallmouth fisheries. 2. It sounds like you're passionate about the smallmouth streams in your part of the state 3. There isn't any other fishing/conservation group focused on improving the quality of and conserving our Missouri Ozark smallmouth fisheries 4. If you join you can, as others have already mentioned, be our eyes and ears and voice in your part of the state. When we start a SWMO chapter of the MSA its going to be up to the members of that chapter to work with the rest of us to sustain what you want to do. We don't have any full time personnel in a home office which we can send down to do things for you. We can, by working together, help make the MSA stronger and work to do the best that we can to work towards making smallmouth fishing in our Missouri Ozark stream fisheries better for future generations that it has been for us.
  21. CGB: Specifically we have, since 1992, posted our "Free the Fighghter" at MDC and U.S. Forest Service river and stream accesses throughout the Missouri Ozarks in order to help educate the reader about just how long it takes, on average, for a Missouri Ozark smallmouth the grown to 12". We have worked, with help from other conservation organizations such as the Ozark Fly Fishers and the Conservation Federation of Missouri to fight against any proposed changes to laws and regulations which would allow the spread of in-stream gravel mining. We have worked and will continue to work to help make the public aware of and hopefully to help defeat any regulatory changes which will, in our opinion, diinish the quality of our Missouri Ozark stream and river smallmouth fisheries. We have worked and will continue to work to encourage the Missouri Conservation Commission and the Missouri Department of Conservation to adopt regualtions and practices which are conducive to the protection and quality management of our Missouri Ozark stream and river smallmouth fisheries. We work, Stream Team 509 to routinely cleanup stretches of the Bourbeuse, three accesses on the Middle Meramec, and monitor water quality at several different sites in the Meramec watershed. We also like to offer our members a network of other smallmouth fishing fanatics with which any member can potentially fish. What else? Anyone who joins us currently will also recieve a copy of Chuck Tryon's 200 Missouri Smallmouth Adventures, a one year subscription to Outdoor Guide Magazineand a 3 month subscription to River Hills Traveller I'm sure I may have left something out but those are some specifics. As far as the total number of paid members, I'll tell you when you join. Regards, Matt Wier (my specific name).
  22. Chief: I don't think that MDC agents are going out of their way looking for non-wildlife related violations but there are lots of counties in our state where all sort of illicit activities take place in remote-yet-public areas and MDC officers are obliged to enforce all laws. I'm not complaining about what MDC agents do or don't do, I just wish there were more of them out there.
  23. Gentlemen: I'd love for all of you to joing the MSA (except for Al because he's already a member). I need to do a little brainstorming and coordinating with Al and I think the two of us can put together some dates when we could have a meeting down there early in 2010. What it will take to start a SWMO chapter is much less effort than what its going to take to sustain it. I'm working on a master list of how the MSA can support the chapter but what its going to take is the a committment from several chapter members to spend the time to keep the chapter active. Once again, I have to thank Wayne for starting this discussion and I'm looking forward to working with some or all of you to get this launched in 2010. Thanks, Matt
  24. Chief: I was referring to all "non game law" crimes. I know that MDC agents in certain areas spend quite a bit of time enforcing laws regarding underage dringking, possession of controlled substances, etc. I know they're obligated to do so if they see a crime being committed. They are law officers after all. I was not "complaining" about that I was just stating my opinion about any given MDC field agent's time may be spent tackling more than fish and wildlife violations. As far as my out of date regs comment, or complaint in your opinion, is concerned I was trying to make the point that while I'm 100% in favor of MDC agents enforcing all game laws I don't necessarily think that our smallmouth fisheries are suffering because MDC agents aren't enforcing the statwide 12" minimum.
  25. Phil: We're at www.missourismallmouthalliance.org CGB: I'm not sure that we've ever had any "hateful rhetoric" about the MDC on our website. While we'll disagree with certain MDC policies and practices from time to time we're not hateful. Wayne: Thanks for stepping up and doing this. Matt
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