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Bleeding Shiner

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  1. Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that we now have a presentation of our technology on our website as it is relevant to the Norfork Dam. You can view it at http://www.blueingreen.biz/BnGNorforkDam_s.pdf. Thank you! Grace
  2. Hi Mr. Lilley, I can't seem to find the audio download of the Trout Unlimited meeting. Where can I find that? Thank you! Grace
  3. Hi Mr. Lilley, thank you for your questions! The system the Corp uses at the Table Rock facility and the injection system at SOTH hatchery are different from our system. I know that most people on here know more about it than I do, but from what I understand, the Table Rock dam uses turbine venting to raise the dissolved oxygen (DO) in the tailrace of the dam. And, I’m not certain what Shepard of the Hills hatchery uses to add dissolved oxygen to its raceways. But, our technology works differently from other oxygen injection systems. Most systems add oxygen in a gas form to water as bubbles and provide some method for it to dissolve (mixing, agitating, long retention time, etc). Ours, on the other hand, completely dissolves oxygen into water first, before adding it into the water to be treated. So only DO is added with no bubbles. Temperature can make a difference in the performance of a system because, just like you said, warmer temperature waters will hold less oxygen. Bubbling systems are greatly affected by water temperature (especially in shallow water) because they rely on dissolving the bubble in the river/lake and the higher the water temperature, the slower the bubble dissolves. The SDOX system is not as affected by temperature since we use high pressure pure oxygen to get the DO very high (350 ppm) and then mix this with the river and are not relying on the rate bubbles dissolve in the water. We have temperature data, too, so we’ll be taking that into consideration as we analyze everything. Once we have the report done (probably next week some time), I’ll post a link to it on here. It’ll show what we did with our system, and what was happening before we started injecting.
  4. Hi all! First of all, if this is an inappropriate use of this forum, I apologize and will not pursue this any further. I am with BlueInGreen, LLC in Fayetteville. We conducted a test of our SDOX oxygen injection system in Quarry Park below Norfork Dam from November 13th through 21st. We have seen some discussions about our system around the internet, and I wanted to make myself available to answer any questions anyone has about the system or the test. I am also curious about y'all's thoughts about the oxygen injection we did at the Norfork Dam tailrace. Did anyone see it? Did you notice a difference in fish activity or quality of fishing? Do you have stories about the effects on fishing? I'm interested in all comments and stories, good or bad. We think that some of the best evidence will be from the fishermen who were there and saw the effects of our system on the fish. We are analyzing all of the data we collected on our tests both in the river and at the Hatchery and are writing a report that will be available to anyone who wants a copy. Thank you! Grace Richardson grace.richardson@blueingreen.biz
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