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Everything posted by LLama

  1. Join us for an easy and beautiful float on the Buffalo River. With a full moon and early Spring weather, we can't pass it up. Dynamic Earth will be organizing this trip. We'll be floating from Ponca to Kyle's Landing and most likely camping at Big Bluff on Friday night. This IS Easter Weekend, BUT it will help keep the crowds away and some of you may have an extended weekend to take advantage of... So let's do it! Tentative format is to leave by 1pm Friday, April 2. Be on river by 5 pm and camp at Big Bluff. Be off river by 3pm Saturday and return to Springfield. More details to follow here by mid next week. (adjusted format for those unable to attend Friday early: camp at Kyles Friday night, put on river and meet up with group at Big Bluff.) We've got quite a few demo boats to try out (mostly kayaks), or you can bring your own. Otherwise, rental at Ponca will be arranged. Gear Requirements include: Sleeping pad and sleeping bag suitable for humid and sub 40 nighttime temps (not likely). Warm clothing (preferably non-cotton), drybag, and two pair of shoes. Rain Gear Personal Food and Water Supply for Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch + snacks. Gear Recommendations include: Boat, paddle, and pfd (life-jacket). Headlamp Lightweight Cooking Stove and Kit Water Purification Device (will have group device) Technical River Apparel (neoprene, synthetics, fleece, wool, booties, etc.) Dynamic Earth will have a large shelter and many smaller tents for those without suitable Spring shelter. This is a "paddling" trip, not a "float" trip... As such, we will be focusing on Leave No Trace ethics and low impact use. Coolers are NOT encouraged but are acceptable if planned for by multiple users. Any beverages should be contained in sealable and reusable (non-glass) containers. We are hoping to show that this "low-impact" form of river travel is easier, lighter, quicker to pack and unpack, and most importantly, better for the river. Catch and Release Fishing is fine with proper licensing. Many of our demo boats are angler-friendly. Register online at dynamicearth.net or contact Brad Dailey at dynamic earth at 417-877-8855
  2. Join us for an easy and beautiful float on the Buffalo River. With a full moon and early Spring weather, we can't pass it up. Dynamic Earth will be organizing this trip. We'll be floating from Ponca to Kyle's Landing and most likely camping at Big Bluff on Friday night. This IS Easter Weekend, BUT it will help keep the crowds away and some of you may have an extended weekend to take advantage of... So let's do it! Tentative format is to leave by 1pm Friday, April 2. Be on river by 5 pm and camp at Big Bluff. Be off river by 3pm Saturday and return to Springfield. More details to follow here by mid next week. (adjusted format for those unable to attend Friday early: camp at Kyles Friday night, put on river and meet up with group at Big Bluff.) We've got quite a few demo boats to try out (mostly kayaks), or you can bring your own. Otherwise, rental at Ponca will be arranged. Gear Requirements include: Sleeping pad and sleeping bag suitable for humid and sub 40 nighttime temps (not likely). Warm clothing (preferably non-cotton), drybag, and two pair of shoes. Rain Gear Personal Food and Water Supply for Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch + snacks. Gear Recommendations include: Boat, paddle, and pfd (life-jacket). Headlamp Lightweight Cooking Stove and Kit Water Purification Device (will have group device) Technical River Apparel (neoprene, synthetics, fleece, wool, booties, etc.) Dynamic Earth will have a large shelter and many smaller tents for those without suitable Spring shelter. This is a "paddling" trip, not a "float" trip... As such, we will be focusing on Leave No Trace ethics and low impact use. Coolers are NOT encouraged but are acceptable if planned for by multiple users. Any beverages should be contained in sealable and reusable (non-glass) containers. We are hoping to show that this "low-impact" form of river travel is easier, lighter, quicker to pack and unpack, and most importantly, better for the river. Catch and Release Fishing is fine with proper licensing. Many of our demo boats are angler-friendly. Register online at dynamicearth.net or contact Brad Dailey at dynamic earth at 417-877-8855
  3. yeah, it is a 7'6" orvis madison 6wt, Those are the first fish i have caught on it.
  4. Fished crane today and for the first time i had some luck, first off i need to thank timsfly for the advice without it i probably would have fished with nothing bigger than a size 16 and who knows how i would have done, caught 4 rainbows all on a size 14 and 12 pheasant tail, the biggest was 19" i was amazed she had my bamboo bowed. Ran into terry from the forum early, very nice to meet you as well. I was by myself so had to do self pics i think they came out alright.
  5. It looks like they will be running generators at taney tomorrow so i am planning to go to crane all day anybody else? The two times i have been to crane i have had ZERO luck any advice would be great.
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