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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. There is a gravel ramp above the dam. The lake seems to be fine for a small boat. I doubt you could run one below the dam, although when I was down there on March 2nd, there was quite a bit of water coming over the dam, and a good current below it. Looked like it could be a fun place to fish.
  2. I decided on a last moment whim to head down to Bennett Springs for the Opener. I had never been there for the opener. It was way to late to try and find a room, so I planned on sleeping in the car. When I woke up in Saturday, here in NW Missouri, it was pretty much a white out blizzard. After I packed up, I made the decision to go ahead and see what the roads were like. I figured, it had to get better the further south I went. Not so much. Eventually I made it to the park and thought I'd try a couple motels out to see if there were any cancellations. Luckily, Vogels was able to accomodate me. I woke up at 4:00 am and got all my gear on, and headed to the area just above the spill way. There were probably about 10 people there when I got there, so I was able to get a decent fishing spot. I had decent luck there with 12 rainbows. I spent the first 15 minute re-tying my line after getting hung up a couple times. After the crowd thinned out, The guy just to the right of me pulled in an awsome 6 1/2 lb rainbow. Beautiful fish. A little later I moved up to the rock darn in zone 1, stepped in and immediatly caught 12 rainbows in the backwater swirls below the darn, in about 15 minutes. Every thing was working great, unit an old bastard(pardon my french) just stepped right into where I was fishing. Litterally less then 2 foot from my float. I couldn't believe the audacity of this old guy, as he proceeds to tell me that I should lengthen the distance from my float to the glow ball. Unbelievable!!! If that wasn't bad enought this guys son, who stepped in just to the right of me proceeds to pull out about a 4 lb rainbow. Good for him I guess, I just wish people had a little more curtosy and fished with good sportsmanship. The good news it that I didn't have any other experiences like that the rest of the day. All totaly I caught 30 rainbows, and I could have cought plenty more had I stayed out there all after noon, but I came in to watch the MU/KU Game. Should have stayed out fishing!!!!
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