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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by tippett7

  1. I was the guy up by outlet 1. It was a great night other than turning the water on and making me move to a different spot. Caught about an 18 in rainbow on a purple leech just down from outlet 1. I was stripping for a while with no hits and then I just let it swing in the current and hold it for 10 seconds and then wammo almost every other cast. It was the first of many nights I will be down there.
  2. Man, I wish my house looked like that.
  3. Some people can't catch fish unless they use the buzzer to do so. I am not one of those. What a crutch.
  4. Met some of my buddied from St. Louis Saturday night and we camped up the hill in Lot 222. My brother and I had a pop up camper we slept in but our friends slept in a tent all night. They couldn't feel their feet in the moring, so we stoked up the fire and sat around the fire till about 10:00 then ate breakfeast buffett for $9.00, (talk about sicking it to you). Hit the icy water around 11:00 up by the wing dams and caught nothing. I didn't see anyone else catch anything either. I did see a handicapped guy fishing off the right side of the winged dam almos casting downstream and 2 idiots walked right in and took away his casting lane. That inspired me to go down below the bridge and fish in zone 2. I caught 2 rainbows w/i 15 minutes and then I couldn't get a bite to save my life. After dipping my rod in the water for the millionth time, my wife called and said WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME!!. Sound familiar guys? Normally I would complain but it was a releif after being cold for hours so I packed it up and headed home. Saw more agents then I saw fish. NO LIE
  5. Go AL Go!!!
  6. I'll be there this year. It is always crowded of course, but you are normally only shoulder to shoulder with people in the first hour of fishing. After that it clears out quite a bit. So many people overlook all the fish that are 30 - 40 feet behind the anglers. Last year I had a blast fishing about 3 - 4 feet of water behind anglers, (not too close mind you) and caught over 30 fish that day. Use small midges and scuds and watch the people in front wonder what your doing. It's fun.
  7. Good luck with them shutting the water down for you. Hope you get to go, but they have been running 4 units non stop the past few days. But if you are in the outlets it doesn't matter. One of my favorite flies at night is the purple leach. It's amazing how well the color purple will outfish any color at night.
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