Met some of my buddied from St. Louis Saturday night and we camped up the hill in Lot 222. My brother and I had a pop up camper we slept in but our friends slept in a tent all night. They couldn't feel their feet in the moring, so we stoked up the fire and sat around the fire till about 10:00 then ate breakfeast buffett for $9.00, (talk about sicking it to you). Hit the icy water around 11:00 up by the wing dams and caught nothing. I didn't see anyone else catch anything either. I did see a handicapped guy fishing off the right side of the winged dam almos casting downstream and 2 idiots walked right in and took away his casting lane. That inspired me to go down below the bridge and fish in zone 2. I caught 2 rainbows w/i 15 minutes and then I couldn't get a bite to save my life. After dipping my rod in the water for the millionth time, my wife called and said WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME!!. Sound familiar guys? Normally I would complain but it was a releif after being cold for hours so I packed it up and headed home. Saw more agents then I saw fish. NO LIE