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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Saw the eagles for the first time when I was in 8th grade, my parents took me to see them at War Memorial in Little Rock. Was amazing, and I will never forget them coming back and playing a 6 song encore. I'm living in Omaha now, and have connections at the arena here. Going to see Clapton this year, also Elton John and Billy Joel. Little Feat played here last spring, and The Derrick Trucks Band was here 2 weeks ago (he is the little brother to Duane Allman I believe), and the allman brothers last summer. Quite the music here in Omaha. If anyone likes bluegrass check out yonder mountain string band. From Colorado, pretty great.
  2. Planning a trip down the upper section of the buffalo, putting in around noon on 3/21 at the ponca LWB, taking out at Pruitt on 2/24 about noon. Mostly looking to just enjoy the scenery, do some hiking off the river (hemmed in hollow etc...) and catch any fish that will bite. If anyone has any suggestions on other trip lengths, lures, or must see sites would appreciate it. If we were looking for the best fishing would put in further down, but mostly just want a beautiful, relaxing 3 days on the river in the mountains. thanks guys,
  3. Found this forum while searching for information on Smallmouth fishing on the Buffalo. Grew up fishing on Archey just north of Clinton. Mostly catching whatever would bite but heading back in a few weeks to do a bit of floating and fishing on the Buffalo.
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