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Jeff Burkhart

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About Jeff Burkhart

  • Birthday 03/19/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kisse-Mills, Mo
  • Interests
    Family,Fishing,Hunting,Demolition Derbies and anything outdoors that makes this ole country boy smile

Jeff Burkhart's Achievements

Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Thanks..prob head back over thursday eve..and yeah there was no way I was stopn and knockn on doors last night. Even packn I wouldnt tempt a sleepn dog.lol
  2. Me and the boy snagged for 4 hrs last night and never hit a fish. We walked the high trail down from Blunks as far as you could go. Was still blessed with an awesome night on the river. My question how did you get in at McCords. It was all shut down and big STOP sign saying area was closed.. enlighten me because I would love to hook one this year
  3. We are headn that way when I get off work this eve. Id say after the rain we had yesterday and last night they will start running up. Has anyone been yet today?
  4. Id say between horse creek and hootn town.. i bet theres fish in every little hole though from springfield back
  5. No boat we were off the bank and walked from blunks to taylor shoals. Thats why i had to drag them.. its like almost a mile from blunks. Just now recovering from that drag
  6. Man the run was on tonite. Snagged for pronably 3hrs at Taylor Shoal and caught 5 or 6 lost some and hit a bunch more. Butchered and drug 3 between me and my son out. Longest drag ive ever done from the shoal to blunks but felt like we accomplished sumthn. Thank the Lord for another yr of spoonie snaggn on the James
  7. I am looking to trade a brand new Taurus slim 9mm pistol and a 16' flat back canoe for a running 10 to 25 horse tiller boat motor. Dont care what yr as long as it runs and has or can get a title. Feel free to txt or call me 417-251-1292 Thanks & God bless
  8. We were from the bank. Last weekend they were still down around Walnut Springs and Asher Cain.. We snagged out of a boat last w/e and snaggd a few... To really get into them you gotta wait for that river to come up 10ft or so then they make the push. Over the last 7 yrs every spring James will flood its just if it is still season or not. Last yr it was on Easter Sun when they made there run. Ive got buddies over there that when it floods they stay with the school till they run all the way to Hootn Town. The minute they start hittn fish they call and we head over from Forsyth. Send me private message with your number and I can put you on the spoonie calling list I have created. Same guys every yr and were kinda like a family now. Its good times
  9. Me and the boy snaggd for 3 hrs wed nite and not a fish then got a text at 2 a.m. ystrday from some die-hard buddies of mine that they finally made it to Blunks. We snaggd for about 8hrs ystrdy and ended up snaggn 19 fish. Big sows early then all little males till right at dark and the sows moved back in. Not as good as years past and just cant help but wonder if it is even the big push or just an early push of fish because of the flood.. Time will tell I guess. Biggest we snaggd ystrdy was a 76lbr but broke off some HUGE fish! good luck to all and keep me informed how everyones season is going
  10. The boat is a 1974 Ozark tri-hull it is a solid old boat with livewell,fish finder,trolling motor and a 1970 115h.p. Mercury outboard sitting on it with power tilt trim it also comes with an 1973 80h.p. Mercury ob for parts with a complete set of controls. The 115 needs to be hooked up and was running when I removed it from another boat this last summer and never had the chance to finish it on this boat. It sets on a 1983 Faith trailer clear clean titles on all except the parts motor had no title. If interested please contact me at 417-251-1292 or send me an e-mail at roughneckjeff@yahoo.com
  11. If any body snaggn needs sinkers this yr I make 6oz and 8 oz I'll do for .50 a pop let me know e-mail me or send me a message
  12. We snagged 3 sat between walnut springs and point 15 one was 82#.. Hopefully with this rain I can snag some tmrw nite at Longs or even Blunks time and weather will tell. Heres a pic of Saturdays catch
  13. I have a very heavy duty fully adjustable 16' trailer with clear title I would take $300 for. It has my 14' gigging boat on it right now but I have a smaller trailer I am going to use for it. Give me a call 417-251-1292
  14. Now come on Guys I'd fish with any of you and not once have a problem... but when some tourist stands underneath a 300' tall dam and tell me that me kicking the rocks is disturbing the stream bed and then pops me in the mouth... well I'm just an old Christian county boy but I wasnt just going to stand there and take it so I proceeded to welcome him to the Ozarks
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