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About Frost1920

  • Birthday 09/13/1980

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    Republic, MO

Frost1920's Achievements

Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. ^^^This guy! Ha ha! I've ridden in the same boat with him before, throwing the same bait, using the same rig, and got skunked, when he pulls in a white bass or crappie every other time! I dont get it! Nice report. Makes me want drop everything and head to the lake!! Ill see you up there soon......
  2. yeah, its a big lake. Even on the worst days when you have to park along the road or in the overflow parking, there is always somewhere to go and fish. I have though picked out certain spots, and put in on that side of the lake JUST to hit those spots, and when I got there, there were boats on or right next to every one. Its called "adjusting fire". You never know what a day of fishing will bring. You set out with a game plan, but the fish, and other fishermen may have you adjusting your fire. On the spot adjustments and decisions. Thats what keeps it interesting out there!
  3. Thanks Dave! I been so friggin busy lately, I haven't been able to hook up and get away. But this weekend looks promising! Hopefully I can find a place to park and some water to fish! I bet it will be busy busy this weekend. Talk to you later Jon
  4. www.marinerepaircenter.com Lynn and I both have done business with these guys and they seemed like pretty good guys. Really fast and friendly. I know their little showroom is all trolling motors and fishfinders. And I think they are authorized lowrance/eagle dealers. I don't know much about 'em but I think I would start there! Good luck man.
  5. The Table Rock forum has had a 4 page discussion on ways we could all identify each other on the water. Sounds like Phil is going to order some 2000 OAF decals, probably some real bright color, so we can ID fellow members either on the ramp or on the water. I think this is an excellent idea. I know I have put in right beside Bob B. before and never knew it until later. How many other members have I fished near, or taken out next to, and never knew it. I think it's a good idea. Anyway, I think they are going to send out PM's to everyone, but if not, it might be something to keep your eye on. Just thought I would put that out there for those of you who don't make the rounds to different forums.
  6. That sounds like an excellent idea. Especially for us guys that drive an hour to get there! Sure would be nice to know what I was up against for the day.
  7. Sounds like an awesome idea to me! I think Ill spread the word to the Stockton forum. Sure would be nice to meet some of the people around here.
  8. I'm not worried about anyone's comments at all. I've already dropped the subject. Right now I'm just loving the weather here in the ozarks. 4 inches of snow yesterday, and its all but melted and 50 today, and mid 60's tomorrow! A solid week or so of warm temps and we will all be in business.
  9. Just wanted to say that I did read this and will not respond. Enjoy your time here on this beautiful lake and good luck this year.
  10. 1.) practice. than not then. going. steward. criticized. 2.) Please proofread material before posting. Your opinions will have much more credibility if not poorly written. 3.) There is enough in this statement to write a 5 page response. Instead, I will just say this: "Yes. You are right. We are horrible horrible people. Fish feel pain. I am a bad person and the Holy Bible is just a book of fables." Does that make you feel better? Good. Now maybe this topic can get dropped and we can all concern ourselves with the good spring fishing that is coming!! I can't wait to bring home a livewell full of crappie and walleye! Oh wait.....I mean.... I can't wait to catch a release a cooler full of walleye and crappie! Wish the weather would just cooperate!...
  11. Yeah, we were the only boat on the ramp not too long ago and here comes the MDC. They waited on the ramp for us to finish loading up and then, in the 30 degree weather, started digging through the livewell checking fish. Of course we were legal, but it was a suprise on a grey, cold, dreary day. I am glad those guys are out there, checking people. Keeps everyone on their toes. You never want to try to keep an "almost" fish. If its even a stretch, they go back. And just like fishin cricket said, I have kept a few largemouth too. Its not but once or twice a year, but I think knocking out a few will, overall, HELP the fish. How many of you guys caught 12 inch bass all day long last year? I for one, caught about 500 at least! I think, taking a few 15 inch fish home once or twice a year is probably not a bad thing and doesn't make me shudder in the least. Plus, after a few mins in some milk, a largemouth will feed my family just fine. I think I took home 4 last year. All together. And I fished 2-3 times a week from Feb. to Nov. Anyway, there's 2 more of my cents.
  12. "Trav", What if every person fishing released every fish they caught? What if every deer hunter passed on every single deer he saw? You think those big bass and walleye would ever get big if they had to compete with an over abundance of little fish? Fishing serves the same purpose as hunting. Also, most every angler that posts to this forum follows MDC guidelines to a T. If you have a problem with Missouri laws and regulations, maybe this forum is not where you should voice your opinions. But this is mine: I think you should keep your comments to yourself or contact PETA and become a lifetime member. The latter seems more up your alley. Again, that is just one mans opinion. Feel free to consult me in person if you have any questions. Thanks.
  13. Bids for Bargains used to be on after Tradio (107.7 Fm), which ran from 7:30-8:30am. It's a call in auction. I'm not sure if it still is on everyday at 8:30 or not. I haven't listened to it in awhile. I just wanted to add to the fishing report a little something. We busted ice out of Ruark yesterday and were the only people on the ramp. We fished from 1-5 or so. It was cold and crappy. Even on a day like this, being the only truck there, and when we least expected it, a conservation agent rolled up and dug through our fish, measured, and checked them and then checked our fishing licenses. I just wanted to let everyone know that they are out there, even on the crappiest, coldest days. Make sure all your fish are legal and keep your fishing licenses readily available. I'm pretty sure all fishing licenses expire on February 28th, so keep an eye on that, and make sure you're up to date!
  14. I was reading up on the Pike and found a diving website. Here is a quote from the website, "When the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flooded the valley upstream from Table Rock Dam, they submerged the small town of Oasis, Missouri. Like a modern, midwestern Atlantis, the town still sits under about 100 feet (30 m) of water. Advanced divers can float down Main Street to the town's small wooden church, which, although deteriorating after nearly 40 years underwater, offers wreck diving of a different order." Has anyone ever seen this? Or fished around it? I have never heard this story before and have lived in the Ozarks for 30 years! Just wondered if anyone had any stories about this! You guys with those fancy sonars should definitely look for this and get some screen shots!
  15. Yeah that sounds great! By the way, do you ever look around the Table Rock forum? There are a couple threads about the 1197 S.I. and tons of screen shots and discussions about these S.I.'s. I guess the new software updates give you down imaging along with side imaging. Something to check out for sure if you haven't already. Ill try to catch up with you this coming week.
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