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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. What are some of your guys favorite spots to see gar or buffalo? Looking for good banks or areas to shoot buffalo and gar! Thanks
  2. Does anyone know where there are good holes of gar or good banks to find buffalo on for bowfishing? I know there are carp everywhere but everything else is quite elusive. Thanks
  3. Hey thanks for the advice guys it is greatly appriciated since im not familiar with the lake. Enjoy the weekend lol its going to be terrible with these out of towners acting crazy!
  4. I am headed to table rock this weekend and looking to bowfish for some Gar, Can anyone give me some information on what the best place to find some Gar would be. looking for some clearish water and accessible ramps not to far away. Thanks any info would help
  5. well they dont open the dam because the water has no where to go. The rivers are full, Truman is full, lake of the ozarks is full, the water has no where to go. they are running water 27,500cfs at truman thats over 205,700 gallons per second. so when it gets to a better level they will start running pomme. The water at bolivar landing was 69 degrees on sunday.
  6. Fished for about 3 hours this evening and it was pretty terrible. Caught a few 6-7 inch fish but nothing worth even speaking of i think this cold front kill the fishing off pretty well. Searched for some buffalo in the coves and could barely find any of those. the wind was cold and didnt lay after dark so it was a pretty poor night all around.
  7. Hey LEB, Bolivar landing is a pretty good place to lauch from its got some nice coves with some good cover. Its a pretty good ramp needs a yard light pretty bad though. it has a good mix between standing timber, peet gravel banks and bluffs. You should try it out sometime its worth a shot. Ive heard the fishing is getting better heard of a few limits being caught so keep trying and your bound to get lucky thats always my hope!
  8. Looks good oneshot! Care to tell us the area? I was out this weekend and there was nothing up, no carp, gar or buffalo couldnt find a fish for the life of me. thanks for the post though atleast i know there there. Spear
  9. A friend and i fished yesterday from 1-10pm around bolivar landing from 1-8pm we had 4 fish it was very speratic. from 8-10pm the fishing really picked up it didnt matter the color and caught fish in several locations, we ended with 22 crappie. I thought the day was going to be a waste but turned out pretty well.
  10. Hey Bob, There are a few differences between common carp and bigmouth buffalo. Carp are a redish orange color with a deep forked tail around here they rarely excede 20lb. The bigmouth has a blueish black color under water with a shallow fork in its tail, in the spring they will normaly float in the back of coves eating the pollen off the surface not usually in schools though but in 2's an 3's spread just slightly. both the carp and the bigmouth are short and stubby kind of like a drum. They can reach upwards of 45-50lb but are more common in the 20-30lb range. People do eat both species of buffalo, but they are filled with bones. People somtimes pressure cook them to soften the bones and just eat the bones and fish. they are excellent for trotlines. there are grass carp that look a little like buffalo under water but grass carp ate torpedo shaped and green in color and not highly common on pomme. Where buffalo are short and stubby and blueish. The fish your seeing could very possibily be buffalo if there dark in color and eating off the surface. Later Spearfisher
  11. I own a rare style G3, Its a fiberglass 18.5ft with a 150 yamaha on it and it is fantastic havent had any trouble with it its 11 years old and is aging gracefully. stickers are peeling a little but that not a big deal. I know most G3 are darker colors but i would avoid white if its an option it is a bear to keep clean. as fot the bear trailer i have never had any troubles just replace the boards every few years that about it! Spear
  12. Hey does anyone know if the bigmouth buffalo are up yet? If so what area? Thanks
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