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Everything posted by Zack

  1. A buddy of mine has a drift boat and the other day we were talking about bringing it to the LI for a couple of quick trips. He floats the white / norfork all the time so knows how to handle a boat, I just didnt know if it was feasible. We are more of streamers guys and would love to bang the bank and see what we get.
  2. Do you think size 8's are too big? I know the fish probably see from size 8's to size 14's. The reason I ask, is because I have packages and packages from my carp fly collection.
  3. Nice report! What size San Juan worm were you fishing with?
  4. Would it be crazy to take a kayak and go to Gore Landing and fish there? I have an 8wt and versi-tip system so I can cover a lot of the water column. I just dont know if it is safe.
  5. Tahlequah. When will the fishing get good again?
  6. I have never been to the Lower Illinois River before. Is it too late for Striper fishing with the fly rod? Where are some good access points and what do I look for when scouting possible holes where they might be holding?
  7. Looks like I will be relocating to the Tulsa area in September and I was wondering how the fishing is on the river at this time. I assume hybrids will be the main target? Do you see more low water in the winter then any other part of the year?
  8. Afternoon fellas, I am new to fly fishing and would like to get into some action on the Arkansas at the Zink Dam. I currently have an 8wt rod and reel and was wondering what everyone is throwing at them? Where are some good access points, where do the fish hold in low water and how do they survive in such low water? I assume the water is no more then 5' deep when low, correct?
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