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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. I will definitely be looking at right where the rain falls. The Jack's Fork would be a great level IF it doesnt get more rain. I watched it jump up 7 ft overnite this week, something definitely to avoid. I talked with Michelle at Riley's this morning, she is also concerned about more rain coming in. She said after Clabber Creek there was nothing too heinous, but I wouldnt know. I havent done any of these runs yet (I have done Ponca to Woolum on the Upper Buffalo, the Current from Akers to Powdermill, and the Eleven point) My thoughts are that the Lower Buffalo, or maybe the Current, would handle the extra rain volume better as they are wide and increased volume isnt so vertical... Hoping to find something Class I to easy II that would be a good run with the water high everywhere else... Can I assume the fishing will be lousy and difficult with such high water?
  2. Hi folks, It's game time for me and my merry band of adventurers. We blocked out the week of May 3-11 for canoe camping in the Ozarks. Spozed to leave Friday morning from the Carolinas. Plan A is/was to run a combination of 2 of Big Piney/Jack's Fork/Lower Buffalo for a total of seven nights (starting this Saturday). I have been monitoring the levels and weather, and with rivers already high the prediction is for another 1.5-2" of rain Thurs & Friday... it's very likely that anymore appreciable rain and we are out of bidness as far as Plan A... So, for a Plan B, I am thinking to drive up anyway and wait for things to drop, and while waiting do some day trips with empty boats ASSUMING there are some runs that would be "safe" with that much water in the system. Around here you would just move up higher in the watershed when the main rivers were too high or flooding. Any suggestions? I have a copy of Missouri Ozark Waterways... we will have 4 tandem canoes with experienced paddlers, mainly looking to have fun, not fear... Thanks for any recommendations! david
  3. i just saw a disturbing review of Rich's Resort at http://www.floatmissouri.com/plan/camp/richs-last-resort/ I know you have to take some reviews with a grain of salt, but I guess I will go with Boiling Springs for shuttle...
  4. thanks AL, I will read that thread...
  5. I'd buy one, too... Looking at that Lower Buffalo run: when you reach the White R. do you have to paddle upstream (to the left?) to the take out access? I am going to enter all the info I get into Garmin Base Map, which I will glad to share...
  6. hey guys, thanks for all the helpful information... I am running some of these options by the group. I had read that discussion of the gas thieves, bastads... I will check out North Fork of the White. i got a copy of MO Ozark Waterways from a used book store online. We have a lot of short whitewater runs in the Southeast, not very many that will support multi day tripping. nice to leave the highways and campgrounds behind...
  7. Thanks, that's a big help... Is it still true that you cant float thru Ft Leonard Wood? some flow is nice, mile long slow pools not so much... I was not aware of that Lower Buffalo to White R. run. that looks very nice! could be a 57 or 30 mile run. we did Ponca to Woolum a few years ago... I like to fly up and down the rivers with Google Earth; gives a pretty good sense of things (at the water level the photos were shot, anyway) We will have 7-8 days to play not counting driving time (from N & S Carolina), so we want to have contingency plans based on conditions at the time (may 4-12)... It seems to me that if one system is flooding and blown out, they all will be. I would think that Lower Buffalo could get really big being at the bottom of that huge watershed. I have read about the Meramec and Niangua systems, both of which can support multi-day canoe trips. Any experience with them? Lots to explore in your area! I made a slide show of our 11 PT/ Current trip last year if interested. also one for the Buffalo trip at that site... http://www.photodex.com/share/padlnjones/kb8wcmg4
  8. Hi Gavin, any of the outfitters you would recommend for shuttle help? I will check out those sections, thanks. What does froggy and "ripped up in spots" mean? never heard those expressions before... I didnt find Eastgate in my guide book (MO Ozark Waterways), what river mile is that?
  9. Hi Al, thanks for the reply. If we had to put in at Boiling Springs that would knock 17 miles off the trip, probably do 2 nights 3 days on Big Piney and need another run to do (Gasconade?). Looking back on the gauge it mirrors what we found last May on the Current, when people said it was the lowest they remembered, and MAy 2011 when everything was blown out from flooding and we had to cancel altogether and went to Fla. instead ( did 3 nights on the Suwanee). I see Big Piney got up to almost 7000 cfs that May! at 5-600 on Ross Bridge will we find plenty of gravel bars and beaches for camping?
  10. Hi folks, I am considering a trip from Dog Bluff to Ross Bridge on Big Piney the first week of MAy. we will have 5 tandem canoes loaded to max (ultra-heavy canoe camping). I have not run this before. last year we did 3 days on the 11 Pt and ran the Current 4 nights from Akers to Powdermill. We will be fishing, but not too seriously. mostly looking for good scenery, riverside camping, and lack of civilization. I know at that time high water and fast floods are an issue. Does anyone know recommended levels on the river gauge to help our planning? Any really nice camp sites to look for (or avoid). I have a river map and GPS... Which outfitter is best for shuttle in the area? We might be looking for a coupla of day trips in empty boats, or a 2 nighter to fill out the week. WHich section of the gasconade would be good for 10-12 miles of nice floating? any other good floats? Little Piney? We might consider the Jack's Fork, as we havent caught it with water yet... thanks for any advice! david
  11. I just want to thank everyone for his advice and counsel. I am reading and digesting all your replies...I am sorry I didn't mention before that we wont be doing that much fishing, probably just where we stop for lunch or to camp. It's mostly for the wilderness paddling and canoe camping. I knew this group would have a lot of expertise regarding the river. Much appreciated. We did a 7 day trip last fall on the San Juan River in Southern Utah that was outstanding in every way, highly recommended. I am sure to have more questions after we refine the plan somewhat....
  12. Thanks to everyone for the replies, much appreciated. I was wondering if there is reliable cell phone coverage (veizon) along the river corridor to help keep up with the weather while we are paddling. Wouldnt wanna get flash flooded if we could help it... Also, if we decide to run our own shuttle (may have 4 or 5 vehicles) are there safe places to leave the cars at the access points, or would the outfitters be amenable to us parking there for a reasonable fee? How about good local restaurants in the area? thx again!
  13. Hi Folks, SOme friends and I are planning to do a canoe float trip on the Current (or Jacks Fork) around the first week in May. We did the Buffalo 2 years ago from Ponca to Woolum. We are thinking 5-6 days on the river, to be determined by the levels and conditions when we get there. we will be driving over from the Carolinas. I know there are lots of outfitters in the area that could run shuttle for us, but could someone recommend which ones to use, and which to avoid? The ideal situation for us would be having the ability to change shuttle plans while we are on the river if we decide to go further, or get off sooner. I realize that may be asking too much... Thanks for any advice you can offer on shuttle, or some nice places to wilderness camp along the river. Also, is there a good place to camp when we get there, the day before we put on... david
  14. Al, Thanks so much for the detailed reply. I will part of a flotilla of 8 canoes (16 people, not a fishing-oriented trip) so likely won't be fishing from the boat much. I have an ultra light (4#) and a light (6#) so that is what I'll bring. I'll be happy to catch whatever I can, and release. thanks for the warning on using crawfish; I hadn't considered the ill effects of that. I'll make a list of your suggestions and do some shopping....Maybe next year I can plan more of a fishing trip and be more prepared. thanks again, david
  15. this may be a dumb question, but is that one tube that's brown and green, or 2 different ones? love your kitty picture!
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