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Everything posted by troutchaser

  1. Paul & Ann - Cole Slaw, Monkey Meat
  2. But wait. . . crabs don't have bones. So what, exactly, was in that "crab" jerky?
  3. How used does he want it? I've got an old lumalum - I mean numinum - a metal canoe I might part with for a little cash.
  4. That looks like great wooly worm hackle. I'm guessing that if you tied it dense enough and put some permanent floatant on it, it would work on a dry such as the Humpy. That's not to say it wouldn't work on a subsurface. Tie some up over peacock herl like a Griffith's Gnat or Big Ugly and strip it under the surface. Taneycomo trout like those on bright, breezy days. Hope that helps you.
  5. Is anyone familiar with the Jacques Herter tying method? He recommended the head and wing be tied at the bend of the hook rather than at the eye. The arguments given is that the hackle will support the heavier end of the fly much better and that it will hide the point. I haven't tied or fished any of these, but it has roused my curiousity. Any thoughts? The difficulty I see with this tying method is trying to palmer hackle inside the bend without knicking the stem on the point.
  6. This is exactly the reason I don't care for fishing the parks. I've had waaaay too many negative experiences to make it enjoyable. I have a friend with whom I fish Tanycomo, and he says he can spot the fishermen from Bennett Spring immediately. The telltale signs, in his book, are carelessness, improper landing and release of fish, and inconsiderate behavior toward other fishermen. It's sad that a stereotype like this has developed, since there are good people who fish at the parks, but it hasn't come about without merit. Gonefishin', I wouldn't be hesitant at all to speak out when people are inconsiderate enough to block the handicap jetties. It's there for your use, you've helped pay for it, and they have the entire zone to choose from, so they should feel obliged to move. Thus endeth the sermon. Amen.
  7. I agree with Crippled Caddis. Try a pheasant skin. I use indian hen with a distribution wrap, but I'm really partial to partridge and guinea.
  8. Seahorses? Aren't they kinda bony? Oh well, gimme enough tartar sauce and I'll try anything.
  9. Take a look at this article, especially the picture. It'll give you a good idea of what a P&P and a Rusty midge look like. http://www.bransoncourier.com/branson-refe...l-five-525.html hope that helps some.
  10. I get it now. You see, I was always taught that teasing an animal until it bites was a BAD thing. I'll have to give it a try next time. So drop a big pink scud on top of a midge that's holding the bottom of a wounded bait fish's outlet and keep the line slack in the current. Got it.
  11. Cochybonhu. Sounds like an ingredient in my wife's health food cereal. Or something you say when you step in labradoodledoody.
  12. I'm not positive, but I think your hackle is backward. It appears to curve up around the eye instead of back around the body. You're right, the hackle is too long. There's a method I use to adjust the hackle length called the distribution wrap. Here's a link for you to look at: http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2909 Dano posted a link in there to a video of this method. One last suggestion: I tend to use about one to one and a half turns of soft hackle and no more. I think the "less is more" approach is best for these flies.
  13. Hey, great minds think alike! I use a drawer organizer for my tying stuff, also. I finally broke down and built a stand for my tools. I used a 1x6 for the base, two 1/2" dowel rods, 6" tall, and a 1x4 on top of them with lots of holes drilled in it for my tools. It's about 12" long and made from scrap lumber I had in the storage shed. I got tired of chasing my tools around, so I threw this thing together in about an hour. If I can remember, I'll get a photo of it put up here in a day or two.
  14. I think I'll just have to tie some of these up tonight. Thanks for sharing!
  15. Don, sent you a pm.
  16. I've never had any success following generation when the water was dropping. Did Leonard tell you anything you can share, or were these trade secrets?
  17. Can I come, too? I could maybe bring something like a salad . . . (crickets chirping) or maybe cole slaw? (Loud applause)
  18. I'll be fishing the Beaver Tailwater for the first time next month, so I need to start tying flies for the trip right now. What flies do you recommend? I live in Springfield, MO, so I fish Taneycomo a lot, but I don't know if I need to make some changes to types or colors of my flies and streamers. I usually have a good arsenal of the following: Cracklebacks - Yellow, Olive Soft Hackles - Red, Black, Olive, Yellow, Wooly Buggers - Brown, Olive, Black Scuds - Gray, Tan How am I doin' so far? What do you recommend I use for the last part of April?
  19. Looking forward to tying some of these patterns. The eggs bodacious is a new one for me. This was fun. Can't wait for the next one.
  20. Are you sure about the voting date? The Senate is recessed for spring break this week. The offices are closed.
  21. Wow. That's a downer. Makes me appreciate what I've got here in the ozarks.
  22. Thanks, Don. I'd love to join you guys. I'll send you an email to work out details.
  23. I checked the calendar and I'm free on April 21. I'd love to join a team, if anyone needs another member.
  24. He musta used fast sink line. I guess he isn't into C&R. Were they generating when he caught it? Did he catch it at the cable or down by KOA? I'll bet he's a shuffler. Told ya streamers catch the big ones. Hey, how 'bout a seminar on squids? And finally, Was he stripping with a mink?
  25. I'm in. When should we do it?
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