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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by troutchaser

  1. OK, so my wife made an executive decision and we'll be staying at Cooper Creek Campground. I bet I'll be able to talk her into letting me come and play in the water with you guys - provided I don't tell her about stripping minks and such. Is a 5 wt rod big enough? I've also got pine squirrels and black woolly buggers, but what other flies should I bring?
  2. Wow. Stupid is as stupid does, huh?
  3. Teen word that causes flare ups and implosions in adults: WHATEVER! Makes me want to atomic wedgy him - jeans and all! (And I would, too, 'cept those jeans cost me $35.00!!!)
  4. I just got the greatest mental image of a truckload of caddis green domestic turkeys! By the way, Caddis, those are some FINE looking flies, compadre.
  5. So my wife says to me, "I know you haven't fished in several weeks. We should all go camping and fishing this weekend. Where do you want to go?" My reply was something like "Uhhh. . .Uhhhhhhhh. . . I dunno." [paraphrased] SOOOOOoooooo...my question is, where would you recommend? I've considered Tablerock SP and fishing Taneycomo, but my wife likes to keep the fish. I've also considered Roaring River and Bennett Spring, since they are a put and take fishery meant for great fambly outings like this one. I know it's too late to get a site in the State Park Campgrounds, so if you folks could recommend a campground near any of these, I'd appreciate it.
  6. I know how bittersweet this can be. Look me up when you get here. I'll fish with you. Oh yeah, and welcome back.
  7. Is that a fish? I thought it was a pot-bellied pig!
  8. Got mine yesterday. Those are some great looking flies, guys.
  9. I would add to MTB's post and say that in Taneycomo you would want a dropper at least 20 inches below, if not more, just to get into the feeding column. Am I right?
  10. The rusty dun is a Western Mayfly pattern tied in Rusty Dun (No kiddin'). The most effective pattern out west is the "Trusty Rusty". It's basically a mayfly spinner with a rust colored body. It's used after a mayfly, pmd or flav hatch. The dun is just what you might think - a rust colored dun mayfly. The most effective pattern for this is a parachute dun with a very prominent wing. It tends to present correctly and more accurately than a Dark Hendrickson.
  11. OK, so my brother, who lives in Pocatello, said that when I visit next month we will be going to Henry's Fork to fish. My questions to you fisherpeoples out there is this: Have you ever been? Where did you fish? Any recommendations? Any websites you might recommend for flies/hatches and information?
  12. Name your spot - I'll be there. I LOVE catchin' 'gills. As for the fish fry, I believe I read somewhere: "...of the bream fish, thou mayest catch until thine arm doth fail thee. Nevertheless, woe be unto him that catcheth the bream fish and fryeth them not, for such is the purpose of the bream fish. Thou shalt fry all bluegills, pumpkinseeds, redears, and all like unto them."
  13. MMMmmmmmm . . . Walleye . . .
  14. Have you checked with Ed at Feather Craft in St. Louis? He has lots of hooks. I know he has saltwater hooks, so he probably has spey hooks, as well.
  15. Yup. There you go, Dano. You know what they say, if you can't find it at Wal-Mart, you probably don't need it.
  16. I've got a couple of these bags. The first one I bought 18 years ago is still very serviceable. It got a small 3-corner tear in it, but duct tape fixed that easily. I also have a backpack style bag, but to be honest, the straps will make your arms go numb when you wear it. I'd recommend saving the extra $20 and get the Sealine tie down bags. Check out www.campmor.com for the best price I've found. Yeah, they float, but they have tiedown points so you don't have to worry about them getting separated from your watercraft.
  17. Boy, that sounds like a great trip. I may have to try the Little Red. We gotta convince Terry to come on the 19th. Trust me, fellas, the dude can COOK!
  18. We fished the small cove on the West side of Mutton Creek Recreation area. We switched between worms we found on the bank and squirmin' minnows from BPS. They worked about the same. Caught 10 Bluegill, 1 Crappie, 1 small Catfish and 1 turtle. The 'gills were about the size of my hand, so nothing to write home about, but it was fun for the short time we fished. My son's allergies kicked up a couple of notches, so we took off early. I was disappointed that we didn't catch more crappie. I really expected to find them at the mouth of the cove. Wonder where they went?
  19. As the late Irwin would have said, "She's a BYOOT! GO-JUSS fish, Mate!"
  20. DETAILS! DETAILS! What's a Super Crackleback? I'm assuming it has a red cape?
  21. Right. I'll load the spud gun.
  22. I'm taking my son to Mutton Creek Recreation Area to camp tonight, thought we'd do some fishing while we were there (of course!) Any tips on what to use? Thought about Chartreuse and/or White jigs with curly tails. We're fishing from the bank, so we'll be limited on where we can go. We're not picky on what we catch, either, since it will all be catch & release (too lazy to clean 'em). Trade you your tips for a fishing report?
  23. That's it. I'm bringing my .44 Taurus Tracker to Taneycomo from now on. And my wife thinks it's too much gun. Say it with me, now: BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! GET AWAY FROM THAT DAM!
  24. You're right, Lilley. When I found out my son, who is in middle school, had no idea what the preamble to the constitution was, I almost blew a vein. He knows now, as does his 9 year-old younger sister. The worst part of it is that when I asked the history teacher why they don't know the preamble (I memorized it in the 4th grade), she gave me a look that made it obvious she had no idea what I was talking about. that is, until she suddenly 'remembered' it. For those who might still be a little foggy on this one: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
  25. C'mon, guys. Let's keep this above the belt. There are some strong opinions about this subject, I know, but it boils down to the fact that we all care about our country, our children, and our freedom. Let's try to keep the discussion on an intellectual plane, OK?
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