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Bourbeuse River Angler

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Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. The closest access downstream is reikers - about 20+ miles. Thats not really realistic. Also, just to note, just because someone owns a jet boat, and chooses to fish out of it, doesn't automatically make them a jack _ss, or an idiot as I've seen you post before. You shouldn't stereotype people, without even knowing who they are or what their intentions are. In my case, our boats are little and relatively lite. I walk/drag riffles on the bourbeuse, just like you do in a canoe. The motors are mostly used for kickers in dead water and in the case of an emergency...but definitely NOT for ruining anyone elses day. Another note, my grandpa can't physically sit in a canoe, let alone paddle 20 miles, so a boat is the only option, but thanks for trying to impose your methods on me. I read several of your more recent posts and it seems you always have something to complain about. Also, a common theme in your posts is about respect for the river, well I think you should learn to respect other anglers even if they don't fit your stereotypical image for the bourbeuse. One last thing, I salute those who use this site for information about fishing and the amazing ozark streams. I've learned so much from posts written by AL, hank, Bman, bourbeusefisher, etc that will help me have more fruitful excusions. May I suggest to you eric, that you follow suit and only post things that may be helpful to others??? If all you want is someone to b_tch to, get a wife ... or buy a dog.
  2. I asked this question a few months back but didn't really get an answer...Does anyone know how I could get a small john boat, with a small jet motor, on the stretch of the river between nosers mill and reikers ford? Not for right now, but maybe spring fishing with a little more water. We used to float/fish this section every year until the access road right at the mill was barrecaded. It has been about 10 years since I fished this strech, and I am dying to do it again. We would need a public access or private if anyone has access to that stretch...please help!
  3. My mom is a Herbst and grandpa's name is Augie, ungle is Greg, and great uncle is Sonny. I guess that means I thinking of the right person...we've seen you quite a bit out there. I think you told me you were a member of the upper meramec bass club??? I'm sure you can teach me a thing or two. I been fishing the meramec from times beach up to allenton the last couple of months but have only had minimal luck. We've caught a couple nice small mouths...one about 17 inches the other about 15, but other than that only small fish. Saturday...in the rain...I caught about 8 bass, but none were bigger than 12 inches. What kind of techniques and colors work best this time of year? I've tried everything i have... jigs with crawfish trailers, swim baits, spinner baits, crank baits, etc. The thing that works the best it seems are my homemade crankbaits, but those are only good for the open water. It seems we end up running through the tackle box without a real game plan. Even though the fishing has been slow, I will say that I am warming up to the meramec as of late. It sure is more relaxing running the river at least.
  4. Do you have an alweld with a yamaha jet? My brother and I alway fish that strecth from 44 to the mill. My grandpa actually had a lot right where I think you are... If that's your boat. Do you you think there is enough water to run a small jet from 44 up by you this week end. We pretty much have no fear too. How's the fishing by the way. The lower meremac by allenton has been real slow. It seems like the bourbeuse techniques don't work quite as well on the meramec... Maybe it's just the river, or me
  5. Mill rock to wenkle would be about a perfect 8 hour float. I don't have any experience with flies, but I can tell you a little bit about lures. I haven't been up that high in a couple of years but we used to use brown, orange and black jigs with black crawfish trailers. Buzz baits can also be a lot of fun, depending on the weather, but you may need to experiment with the color. If they seem to be active try the brown colored bombers, or spinner baits. I never have much luck with spinners, but my uncle swears by them. Good luck.
  6. I think I would stay on the meramec with that size rig. Mill rock would definitely tear something up. I was between reikers and mayers last weekend with a 17 foot - 35 jet, and had to drag a couple of spots and actually busted a piece off the jet intake shoe right above mayers. I usually fish from the MDC access at 44 and up to Guth's mill. Even in this area, depending on flow, you find a lot of skinny, and really shallow water. Although it's usually pretty good during the spring. I'm not sure how familiar you are with the bourbeuse, but the success of jets on it really depends on how much you care if you hit stuff, or the bottom (it usually happens at least once a trip). If you aren'y looking to travel real far once on the water, up river from reikers (you wont be able to go down) is a pretty long deep hole. good luck, and I hope this helps.
  7. I would love to have a club house up there...We always have to put in at 44 and run/drag our way up there. It's always worth it though. Not to show anyone up, but my dad caught a 5.5 pound smallmouth at guths mill last fall. I'll post a picture soon, because its the biggest bass I've ever seen come out of the bourbeuse - especially a smally. Just a side note...we released it so she's still out there!
  8. this may be too late but, you may want to try the access at 44 and right before the union exit. You can walk/wade down from there for quite a ways.
  9. I have a 17-48 alweld -.100 gauge with a 35 jet, and my brother has a 16-42 alweld -.80 gauge with a 25 jet. My brother's boat is pretty lite, and can be carried if we were forced to do so, but not mine. They are perfect bourbeuse boats for our style of fishing, but I get a little leery way up top that the river may be blocked by logs and such.
  10. Thanks for advice above mill rock, thats the only stretch of the bourbeuse I haven't been on. I usually fish between 44 and Guths mill, but every spring we take float trips on the upper sections. The last couple of years we focused on Mill rock to wenkle and wenkle to peters. I like those stretches, but am always looking to try something new... as long as the river can handle my boat.
  11. Does anyone know of an area below Noser's Mill that boats can be put in? I used to float between Noser's and Reikers all the time, but our access point was closed off. We used to put in right at the mill off a service road on 185, but I think some kid got killed trying to drag race there about 12 years ago, so the road got blocked. According to some websites there is a camp called "Eastwood" with access, but I have never heard of this and don't know if it's public. Since our put in has been shut off we've adventured up and floated mill rock to wenkle and wenkle to peter's ford, but I would love to take the old trip again. Any advice would be greatly appreciatted. Also, can anyone tell me what kind on water the river sustains up above mill rock...say from Tea to mill rock? is it only canoe water? One last thing, I think it's pretty cool to hear people talk so highly of the Bourbeuse. I have fished it for 15+ years religiously, and can't wait to float this weekend.
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