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Everything posted by wanabeflyer

  1. That is really good news. I, as a fairly new fly fisherman, after not haveing any luck the last couple of times out had just about given up on fly fishing. This news gives me the encouragement to continue on. Morton
  2. I don't know what the schedule is suppose to be but if there is no generation around 11:00 am, using this link, we are going. river level
  3. No generation Saturday and Sunday. If I did not have a cast on my foot, I would be going. Wife and I went last weekend. She caught her first trout. Quite exciting. I did well after changing from woolies to san juan worms.
  4. the 4,5,6 reel is 16369 I don't see a number on the tr3 I have on ebay. What does that tell us?
  5. Hi, I have put a few more items on ebay. You can use this link and then check my "other items" to see it all. If you see something you like and it does not sell. Let's talk. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=STRK:MESELX:IT I also have an Abel X-Stream 4,5,6wt reel and 9" 4pc 5wt rod combo set that I have not listed yet. The reel is loaded with SA air cel WF-5-F Thanks
  6. I was there sunday. I think I was fishing across from you. I was using a brown wooly. Did you ask me what I was using. I too, am from Owasso. Morton
  7. I wondered if anyone made it out this last Sunday. If you are getting restless and tired of waiting for the water to slow down you may want to consider a day trip to the Blue River near Tishomingo in south central Oklahoma. http://blueriverok.com I say a day trip, because it was a 3 hour drive for us from Owasso. We caught a couple of rainbows, one was decent size. We are beginners, I am sure someone with more experience would do a lot better. We saw a few good stringers from people fishing from shore. We did not get to try the catch and release area that was supposed to have more larger fish. I think it is worth the drive if you have the time.
  8. As many of you have probably noticed, the 24 hour discharge cycle seems to be ending, which brings up the question as to when can one get into the river to fish. What would be the maximun gauge hieght and discharge to watch for? Thanks. P.S. did anyone make it out this past weekend?
  9. I forgot to mention that my wife was with me and fishing from the shore with natural bait. She got tired of getting hung and trowing off the bait so she rigged up a bass worm and promptly caught a rainbow. Who would of thought of that:
  10. OH NO my Manford friend, let there be no misunderstanding. After last weekend I am totaly immersed in the art of fly fishing. It has become an obsession with me. I recently met a fellow in Tulsa that was selling out of all his fly fishing gear, so I bought the whole enchilada. What I am putting up for sale are items that I don't need or want. I bought new waders and boots a couple of months ago that I am using now. I also have a fanny pack, a chest pack, a creel bag, over 400 flies, some fly boxes, and some rods and reels, plus a ton of tying material that I may never use. I will list them some time later.
  11. I have listed a few items on ebay if anyone is interested. Simms waders size L-King. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=STRK:MESELX:IT Simms wading boots size 10. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=STRK:MESELX:IT Filson fly fishing vest. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=STRK:MESELX:IT Thanks for looking.
  12. OK...44 Sounds great. I hope they get back to a regular release schedule so we can plan something. Morton
  13. Did anyone else fish the LI this weekend? I did, Saturday afternoon, and it was great. I caught 5 rainbows in about 3 hours. I was at the gravel pit area, used wooly bugger, san juan worm, and microlite jig. I talked to another fellow, and he said they were hitting real good in the morning. By the way, this was my first outing with my waders, boots, and fly rood. First time to catch trout with a fly. It was wonderful. Can't call me a wanabeflyer anymore. Morton Hatch
  14. I have been fishing for a long time including warm water fly fishing. I am just now starting to tie. I have been looking at Wooly Buggers and San Juan Worms, mainly because they seem to be easier to learn, but I would like to know what else to use to fish for trout in the Oklahome and Arkansas trout streams. Say, a couple of patterns that would be easy to learn. Thanks
  15. I came across and Abel TR3 reel with spare spool and an Abel Xtreme 4pc 5wt rod. I am not familiar with this brand. Does anyone know anything about them. thanks
  16. Well, I made my trip to MarVal with very little expectations. There was a lot of water running, way more that just the 2 generators. Fly fishing was mostly out of the question, except for a pooled area out of the main current below the dam. I did get a chance to use my waders, but not very far as it dropped off quickly. There was a lot of trash (leaves, twigs, etc...) floating on the water so it was quite difficult to cast a fly. I did catch one rainbow with a salmon egg. We also caught a few rainbows from the shore. As I was checking out today, I saw the flyer about the trout tournament comming up, so I asked if it was going to be cancelled. The MarVal people said it would go on as cheduled. The Corps of Engineers have been talking to MarVal and said they would cooperate as much as they could. They could not say how much but that they would slow the water down as much as they can. Might be a chance for some fishing this weekend. On a more personal note, I experienced the thrill of catching a my first fish on a fly I tied myself, not a trout but a big fiesty perch from a local pond. The Wooly Bugger was not very pretty, just something I had been working on to help teach myself about fly tying. It had an olive body, with a red tail and the hackle was much to long for its overal size. Not to use a pun, but I guess I am hooked now. Happy fishing to everyone and maybe see some of you all there this weekend. Morton Hatch
  17. Yea, it does not look good. I guess we will just have to enjoy the beautiful scenery and fish from the shore. At least I won't be at work. Morton
  18. HI all, This weekend was supposed to be my first big trout/fly fishing weekend, but what about all that water. I read on the ODWC web site that there was an area below Tenkiller Dam that was supposed to be fishable even if the water was running full. Does anyone know about this or have any experience? Are there any other areas on the Lower Illinois that I could go to for wading. I am open for any suggestions. It may just be an "enjoy the scenery weekend". Thats OK too. Thanks for your thoughts and advice. Morton Hatch
  19. I am looking at the Cabela's Guidewear® Dry-Plus® Breathable Chest Waders. Any thoughts. thanks
  20. Thanks to everyone for your input and much needed help and for shareing your experience and knowledge. What a great group of people. wanabeflyer(Morton Hatch)
  21. I have waded the Upper Illinois several times douring the warm season with my UL spinning rod and done quite well with the smallmouth, so I wasl wondering what the cool/cold weather fishing, wading with my fly rod, would be like. Would the clouser minnow or a crawdad pattern work, and is there a better access than Round Hollow. Thanks
  22. I am looking for my first set of waders, mostly for use in the upper and lower Illinois River in Oklahoma. Stocking foot or boot foot? Would one have an advantage over another? I will probably not spend more tha $150.00 since I don.t get to go that often, and who knows, I may not like wading but I am anxious to give it a try. Thanks for your insight.
  23. Spavinaw Creek is in the same genereal area of the state as the Spring and Neosho River, NE Oklahoma, and I was wondering if anyone has fished this area, especially the middel part of Spavinaw Creek, between Lakes Eucha and Spavinaw. I have heard of good smallmouth action but not sure where to go. Thanks.
  24. Hi there, I was just wondering if anyone ties their own leaders anymore? If so, what do you use? Thanks
  25. Bill, I got a chance to fish with it up and with it downl, the current being the most odvious difference. the guides name was Thompson or Thomas Guide Service. Thanks again for your help Morton Hatch (wananbeflyer)
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