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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Hey Thanks for the Advice guys, I will be heading down there tomorrow (25th) and when i get back on the 29th i'll leave a full report. Thanks everyone
  2. Awesome Thanks for the information. I'll have to see what i have to tie with and see if i can replicate some of those patterns. I was going to try a dragonfly pattern i was thinking about anyone have luck with them or is more of a still water pattern?
  3. Hello, all Im planning on heading down to Montauk in about 2 weeks and wonder what fly's are good to use this time of year. I was going to tie some Dry flies, but wasnt sure if that hatch had already passed. Please if you have any suggestions i would love to hear them. Thanks
  4. Ive been down a few times the first time i was 16 and went down with a bunch of my family. The older generations from my great uncles to my cousins. we had a great time up until we got there at 4am and every decent spot was taken. I'm 26 at the moment and most of the elder generation cant fish or have passed on. I think I'm skipping opening day and heading down in the middle of the month. I really hope y'all catch some fish and have a great time.
  5. Hello all, Im not planning on heading down on march first. I personally dont like the fishing march first way too many people there for my taste. But who is heading down and what do you love about being there on march first for the first buzzer of the season. Like wise if you don't like going down what reasons do you not like going. Nick
  6. I usually use a size 10 hook, or even a size 12 treble and put three on the hook, Cast in the rapids and let it float down keeping the sinker from snagging the rocks. Ive personally never tried a bobber but it would probably work just as well. Alot of the time ive seen if you have a fish chasing it let it snag real quick and they will snatch it off the bottom.
  7. I didnt get to see the weekend crowd we got down there late afternoon on Sunday. but as for this coming weekend there was people coming in on Wednesday and early Thursday the campground was starting to fill. As for the water clarity it was great, Not murky at all could easily see the fish moving in and out.
  8. Hello everyone! Howdy all, just thought i would check in and let ya know how the fishing was down at Montauk these past few days. We got there sunday but didnt fish, My girlfriend came with me and she had only been fishing once. So i spent time showing her around the park. Then monday morning rolled around, I had hyped up fishing at the whistle as a Exciting time at Montauk but that morning was a huge disapointment. we started off at the bridge just above the campground, and we only seen one pulled out of there. After about fifteen or twenty minutes we started walking downstream towards the handicapped hole. There were a few areas through there that were stocked with fish. I think before we went back to the Cabin that morning I had caught five and turned a few back and she hadnt caught a fish. So we headed back out that afternoon and it was a nice overcast day, they were hitting balls of fire (Salmon eggs) very well in the afternoon in the swifter water. that afternoon she had caught two or three fish and i had limited out by the time we headed back for dinner. Tuesday was another bad day in the morning, we went up towards the lake by the hatchery and fished from the bank which i always hate. we started off right behind the ranger station and started off too slow, we ended up with only one fish a piece between my dad, my girlfriend and myself, very frustrating morning. The afternoon was on fire though, Salmon eggs were a key thing to use this trip. if everything else failed it seemed you could tie on a hook and sinker and get one to bite within a few minutes. Wednesday rolled around, we didnt get up in the morning and that was a huge mistake. we went wading at around one o'clock or so and it had heated up too much and the fish were not biting at all. we threw everything at them and could not get one bit. believe we came away with a fish apiece before we called it anf headed back to get some dinner. After that we headed up to the Old oak hole and pulled out a couple more before the whistle. so frustrating seeing the biggest fish in the hole doing spawning circles around your lure and not having a chance to catch them. Thursday morning, this was the best day of the week. we started and finished our day standing in one spot and limited out within an hour of the whistle. Not bad for the last day at Montauk, especially seeing my girlfriend who had only fished once in her life out fish my dad who had fished Montauk before i was even born. To sum it all up, The trip was amazing, slow in the beginning of the week but picked up as the week went on. I cant say much more than that. A few things i would make sure i have is. 1. White, and Black and Yellow jigs 2. Salmon eggs (I use Balls of fire) That is what the majority of the fish i caught this whole week was on. Hope to see you all at Montauk sometime, if you get to go fishing i hope you get some of my luck to rub off on you all. Good Luck fishing all and remember patience is your best friend
  9. Thanks Brian but i cannot take you up on that offer i'm going to be in town from out of state and i'll be there with my parents. Maybe one of these days when i move back to Missouri i'll take you up on that offer. @ 3wt Dont get me wrong im not trying to belittle you or nothing. its just that when you have fished at a place like montauk, and then try to get someone to understand the concept. Its like pulling teeth, you understand what its like to fish at Montauk i was using the post above as an example to show whats it like to an out of state person. I havent been to Montauk in about 3 years and i've caught the fishing bug once again. Im going to try to teach my girlfriend (who has only fished once in her life) how to fish. This trip will either be great, or a great disaster. I personally dont think fishing Montauk is easy, its only really easy from about Whistle blow and maybe thirty or forty five minutes after. Especially getting towards the afternoon when you get those fish that have seen everything and have been there for a week. then thats when it actually gets fun and is a challenge. I might catch twenty fish a day but ten or fifteen of those will come from whistle to eight am when its a lil easier. Twenty more days to go though. i'll make sure to post a detailed fishing report after my trip. I'll try to post Pictures and or any video that i get during my trip, on my Blog. - Nick
  10. I remember trying to explain to some people on how Montauk works and trying to get them to understand its a great place... needless to say people that have never fished for stocked trout like Montauk trout seem to look down apon it. I guess they think its too "easy" or just dont understand. I've grown up fishing Montauk, i have fished there since i can remember and how well maintained the park is and how natural they let the stream stay is great. Alot of times fishing the Springs is just as or more fun than fishing down in the park its self. I havent been in 2 years and im very anxious to see how the park has changed since all the storms and big flooding has went through there. I'd love to see how my old lucky holes are now or if i'll have to find some new holes to fish.
  11. I wouldn't worry about it too much especially this late in the year, all the kiddo's are heading back to school and in my past experience the weekdays are a great time to be there. Competition for camp spots is low and the fishing is great at this time of the year. Good luck on your trip and report back so we can all be jelouse of all the fish we didn't get to catch!
  12. Yeah its gets bad especially late in the summer like it is now, ive talked to a few people at a Seattle Fly shop and they say unless you want to spend two hours walking in the mountains there isnt too many places to fish for resident trout. I have tried some of the lakes out here but i come out with a horrible sunburn cause its 60 degrees and the sun is nasty. All in all i think Montauk has spoiled me for trout fishing. I used to go with friends down the Current River outside the park and take my flyrod (when it wasnt broken) and fish the trophy area's out there. I miss those days more than actually fishing inside the park. Leaving at whistle blow and end up getting lost and working your way back from six am to noon was the best fishing i have ever done.
  13. No your right the fishing up here is not too bad but all the regulations and such where you can and and cant fish is getting worse. with all the Dams on the bigger rivers around here has killed the runs of steelhead and salmon. and the resident trout here and few and far between. Most of the sport fishing is centered around the population or salmon and steelhead. Ive just grown up fishing somewhere like montauk and love the park, not just the fishing the park is great and the fishing just makes it better. I could care less if i get a lunker, i'd rather fish all day and catch 15 ounce fish than fish all day and catch one five punder.
  14. Thanks and i will do, Hopefully i'll have some good stories to tell
  15. Hello everyone im new to the forums and i'm very glad i found a forum for Montauk finally... I've fished Montauk my whole life. i remember when i was going through Highschool spending every minute i could at Montauk. Now i have moved from MO and live in Washington, and i miss Montauk more than i ever thought i would. So i have planned a trip to Montauk in early September for about a week. Im hopefully going to try to get as many pictures and maybe some video's of Fish/Montauk park and im going to start a website or maybe a Twitter to show people the park. When i get it all setup i'll come back here and post the links. If anyone has any suggestions on some of the things i should take video of Post here or send me an email (Big78nick@yahoo.com). Ive caught hundreds of fish at Montauk if not over a thousand. but i have never caught a Lunker, I had one fish that was 2 pounds and 14 ounces once. So im hoping to catch the elusive Lunker this trip Wish me Luck! Thanks everyone Nick Propst I started the Blog, Here is the url http://montaukchronicles.blogspot.com/
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