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Everything posted by fishofexcellence

  1. I could sure use some help building a yard tank for shad. I have a 8 ft hot tub that is shot. I am pluging off the jets and putting in a 3500 gph pump, pumping water thru a 24"dishwasher spray bar that will spin into a 55 gal barrel cut down to 15" tall to hold filter media above the tank. About how many holes and what size do they need to be to do a drip and not a hard spray back into the tub ? Also the corners are pretty well curved, but there are a couple places where there are corners, Does this matter on a tank this size ? I have a 300 gal tank I built about 10 years ago with a spray bar, just dosnt do the job it should and is to far from boat. I set the hot tub where i can back boat right next to it and not have to bucket bait over. Just think the drip will be better on them than a spray bar. Going to use the old one for ( www. black salties.com ) That I am suppling to a bait shop up here. I came close to giving up on shad, went down and got some Salties about 2 months ago, 420 mile drive, so i desided to get my dealers licence so i could get some of the gas paid for on next trip. They are a tough bait. think they will do better than shiners, especially since no one seems to have any big broods around here. But the shad are like candy to the Stripers. I ordered some MS-222 this week that will knock them out when I net and am staying with my shad, with the new drip filter. but now have to fill a order for salties and do want to experiment with them a little myself . On another note I would like to add that we just got the best stocking of Stripers in Beaver than we have had in the past 8 years. I believe the 90ss will return. I WOULD BE REAL GRATEFULL FOR ANY HELP ON MY PROBLEM WITH THE TANK, I SEARCHED ON GOOGLE FOR 4 HRS YESTERDAY WITH NO RESULTS. THANK YOU AND TAKE A KID FISHING.
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