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About Dogtown65

  • Birthday 03/02/1965

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. not on that much

  2. Have snuck a two man plastic boat in at night. But so dark usually, need the light of day to keep out of the weeds or to fish in and around weeds. Would be a great night fishing lake. I would even pay $ extra to use at night. Securitas is their Security contractor, thought about even bribing them to let me get a shot at the night life there.
  3. Moore's Market sells worms, and not sure what else. I believe the Cum And Go on down, both on right side going North or the East side of the road sell worms , no minnows, though.
  4. No Boats On McDaniels
  5. thought maybe you were my neighbor,that would be funny, he is a Clint,I live out by Fellows lake, you are way to young, will get out of your business have good day...taco

  6. Anybody have access to a topo map of Lake Sprinfield. Who, How, Where ? Thanks..taco
  7. Small aluminum (14) footers w/ 6-8 hp 4 stroke motors. Very quiet. 4.5 hrs cost me about 50.00$ No fish finders or chairs...old school, life prserver and paddle for accesories unless changes were made taco
  8. A few years back some young folks were drinking and swimming at night near the dam. Somebody did not make it out alive. I am figuring that is why no swimming, people do not respect what a great fishery this lake is. Snuck a 2 man in there 1 night and the sheriff's department spot lighted all the lake he could. We just hunkered down under a tree branch, turned off black light and waited for him to vacate. Caught the most fish, just out of reach from allocated fishing areas. I imagine an empty truck parked there, with nobody around did spark some interest. But that was back when we did not have a care in the world. Miss those days........taco
  9. The Security (SECURITAS) PEOPLE DO NOT BOTHER YOU.???? I used to take my aging chocolate lab/ best friend..to the park to swim, because of his old hips. They (securitas), never missed a chance to run us off because he was not on a leash. He never even stayed on dry ground once we got there. "NO DOGS WITH OUT A LEASH" those boneheads used to say.He was just happy being up to his neck in the water. Then instead of elevating the situation by asking "if a leash would be cumbersome on you if I throw you in," I just picked Achilles up, and put him next to me in my truck......... That was his second favorite place to go for 13 years. His favorite was Tablerock, probably the only cleaner water I would let him swim in besides his blue childrens pool. He was so great, never even chased a duck. So remember folks, these boneheads are "on the job", and under paid, probably the cause of the attitude issues. Good Fishing.......taco
  10. Really, where did you purchase it/them ? Are they the new LCD or old school Stan Sloan types. They were and still my favorites. You can remove the top white light and get another Black Bulb, and get double your light. Let us (night fishermen0 know. Thanks
  11. AllStar GT2 has served me well for many years. If they still make them, I would look for one. Also Daiwa had an all glass 7 footer that was orange in color that is a sweet rod. I cut off about about 4-5 inches and used liquid electical tape to seal the cork. I now wish I had not. At first I did not like the extra length, but in a boat with plenty of room for it you can use both hands. My first boat, I needed the shorter length, but with my wealthy "big hydro-blasters" owning friends, both hands are great. It also tends to dig in my ribs. taco
  12. I live out north of town, got some free time a couple of Sundays ago and stopped by one of my local lakes (pond). Valley Water Mill has posted no fishing signs everywhere. Anybody have a clue. I have heard some third hand stories about a group of folks, that kept anything and everything they caught and wondering if that was true. Any truth to this. Also heard they completely fished it out, thus MDC having to re-stock.. That is just minutes away, and used to stop by around 23:00 hours and catch a 3-3.5 pounder every night. Good way to end my night on way home. Thanks TACO
  13. One of the first editions. Colapsable stock, HWS (hollow graphic weapons sight) with Sig Sauer name on it. Also Sig forward "broom Handle" with Sure Fire flash light built in. Never Fired, blue paper sticker on grip still. Fine gun for coyotes..home defense..etc. Have over 1700.00 invested, got a very good deal on it and accessories. Make a legitimate offer. New and comes with the Case, not box. E-Mail tacramer@sbcglobal.net. Thanks...
  14. Just Love My Member Title..........I have given a few Bleeeding Shiners. When a younger man of course. Just love to fish. Married a pretty woman once, everytime I went "Hawg" hunting on Tablerock, come to find out she went hunting with a guy named Brian. Funny how life works out, Have beautiful wife now, kids and the best happy Home. Learned lesson..Marry a country girl.

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