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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by drew03cmc

  1. Wow, very nice fish indeed! I would save that honey hole for myself if I was you!
  2. Winter, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I will be in for it! I am getting a new fly rod, and will need to get out trout fishing to utilize it! Let me know either on here or PM me. Thanks a million guys.
  3. Thank you guys! I appreciate it. I cannot wait to get into some good smallies in that area.
  4. How did you do? Where did you camp?
  5. I am looking to wade while flyfishing or spinfishing for small and largemouth bass on both Nianguas. Can anyone give me specific locations such as accesses, and fly/lure selections? It will be a month or so until I can do it, but I am getting into the planning stages now. Please help out a fellow angler! I will be using a 9' 6wt fly rod or a 5' UL spinning rod with 4# test and would just like to know what flies/lures would suffice for me to catch some smallies and largemouths. Thank you in advance.
  6. Wow, good question. They are still there? I thought they did away with the bass fishery to make it a trout fishery. I am guessing you mean the lower end of the lake, right?
  7. I have a large lot of superhero comics on here for sale, that I need to unload to free up the space as I have a little boy (future trout/smallie fisherman) on the way in February, and I am wanting to preferably sell them as a lot. I will separate them though if it is easier for you. The price for all of these books (approx. 300+) would be $275 plus shipping, but for individual issues, $1.00 each. The only exception to the individual issue pricing are the last book on the list, which will be $5 due to being from the mid 60's. Shipping would be done as cheaply as possible with delivery confirmation for tracking purposes through the USPS. On top of this list, I have well over 120+ comics by Valiant from the early nineties including: X-O Manowar, Magnvs Robot Fighter, Turok, Shadowman, Solar Man of the Atom, Ninjak, and more. A lot of which are more valuable than the asking price. In buying the entire lot of 250+ books, you would be getting over $1000 in comics, I just need them out of the babies room! XFactor (1st) 1,2,3,4,5,95,116,Ann1 Uncanny 264, 273, 277, 281, 289, 297, 302 X-Men 25,30,49,171 Daredevil 269,295,296,303 Bullseye Greatest Hits 1 Wolverine (MK) 28,30,32 Marvel Comics Presents 51,93,99 Wolverine 25,32,63 BPRD Universal Machine 1,2 BPRD Black Flame 1,2,3,4,5,6 Hellboy The Island 2 Goon 25cent book Next Men 5,6,7,8,11,12,20,24,25,29,30 DHP 43,69,73 Action Comics 490,729 AMazing Spiderman 255,262 Avengers 285,327,339,361,362 Avengers Spotlight 31 Avengers West Coast 52,56,69,71,75,79,81,84,87,97 Captain America (new) 6,10,11,12,14,15 Captain America 333,339,372,397,430 Secrets of HoM 1 Hunter Killer 0Silvestri, 1Hairsine, 2Linsner, 3,4,5Silvestri, Dossier 1 Red Sonja 0b,0w,3,4,5 Red Sonja vs Thulsa Doom 1 GSX 3 Ult. FF 1 Ult. Spidey 83 Xmen Kitty Pryde 1,2,3,4 Young Avengers 6 Spellbinders 2,3 Witches 1 Ex Machina 14,15 Dazzler 1,9 Fables 35 Typhoid 1 Booster Gold 1,3,9,14,15,15,16,16,17,18,24 Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom 28 Teen Titans (Jurgens) 1 Conan 46,127 Kull 5,6,10 Marvel 2in1 95 Micronauts 14 Original Human Torch 1,2,3,4 Silver Surfer 1,2,3,4 Shanna the She Devil 1 Vision and the Scarlet Witch 3 Assassins 1 House of Secrets 102,133 Power Girl 2,3,4 Wild CATS 4 Savage Dragon 5 Witchblade 15,16,86 Sandman The Dolls House Pt4 Impulse 2 Flash 80,1,2 Loveless 1 Battler Britton 1,2,3 Fightin Army 21 Thanks for looking, and do not hesitate to email me about these at drew03cmc@yahoo.com. Thank you.
  8. I am planning on being down there on the 13th to do some fishing, and to try these tactics. THanks guys!
  9. I am taking a trip to BSSP here in about 2.5 weeks and would love to hear some guidance on locations to get into good #s of fish throughout the day, and the occasional fish over 3# would be nice too! I am also trying a few experimental flies down there, but what are the staple flies to take with me to BSSP to ensure success. Thanks in advance.
  10. 1. Is the drive from KC worth the added time it takes to get to Montauk as opposed to say, RRSP or BSSP? And along those lines, what is the best way to get there from KC? 2. What is the best place to fish in the park, as well as a basic assortment of flies to have with me. I fish a 7.5' 3wt rod. Please help me out here. Thank you!
  11. How would you use it? I have seen these, but no idea.
  12. I will be by during my day at the park in July or early August. As far as a rod, would a 7.5' 3wt be sufficient for in this area? I just picked one up and it casts wonderfully. I will definitely be in to see if we can find those roads to the lower river. Thanks Tim.
  13. I am new to trout fishing with a fly rod. I just bought a 7'6" 3wt Cabelas rod with a Scientific Anglers 2m35 reel with 3wt line on it. I am going down next month or the beginning of August to try RR with the long rod. I would like to spend the morning catching fish, then try the afternoon to try my hand at something a little bigger than just a regular size stocker. I read somewhere that the size of fish is better below the park in zone 3 all the way to Table Rock, if this is true, how do I access this area of the stream? Please help me out here! THank you!
  14. Ok, I know the question is Bennett or Montauk, but I have better luck at Roaring River. It is a gorgeous drive from Monett to the park for the most park, as well as a beautiful park with the opportunity to, if you can fish deep enough, catch a real monster of a fish in most any hole. I would suggest trying Roaring River out, and yes, it is a little crowded in the morning around the whistle, but quickly clears out and you can go anywhere you want to. I have caught some fish at Bennett, but none as big or pretty as RR. Up to you, but for my $2.75/ gal, I am driving to RR.
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