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Salem Lunker

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Hey everyone, Yesterday I fished from Montauk to tan vat, started about 10 am was down to tan vat by 3 pm. Only saw 3 other fisherman,maybe because it was first day of deer season. The weather was beautiful,can you believe its this warm in the middle of November? The fishin was GREAT, I caught 34 fish. They couldn't get enough of my hot pink and orange glo balls,also caught a few on a Rapala but i haven't quite got the hang of fishin with it yet(just started using a Rapala this year for trout,would appreciate any tips offered) Caught 2 really nice 17 inchers, a lot of 14 to 15 inchers, they seemed a little skinny. almost like there was to many fish for the amount of food. I did hook into 1 MONSTER with a pink glo ball. I would guess in the 8 pound range. She was laying in a very small whole beside some rapids,maybe on a bed?? I played her for maybe 2 minutes before she broke off. I had her hooked good but I got in too big of a hurry. I also caught a nice 17 inch male out of the same hole. Do those big fish move around much because I sure would like to give her another try! Hooked her about 1/4 mile below Montauk just before the second bend in the river, so be on the lookout for her, maybe someone else can get her landed. It was good fishin all the way down, can't wait to do it again!!
  2. Hello to Everyone, Been trout fishin on the Current river and at Montauk all my life. Was born and raised about 10 miles from the Current River. Also enjoy smallmouth fishing on the Meramec River. Looking forward to Swapping fishing stories with everyone.
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