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  1. Really. That's great news for me. I thought the issue wasnt going to be decided until July 6th. Well. Here's hoping to bureaucrats doing a better job of informing the public and landowners in the future before they try to push something through.
  2. I don't understand this whole blue way agenda 21 thing completely and that's what has me scared. I own a couple feet of river frontage and regulations put in place to help prevent erosion and sedimentary fill is one thing. But preventing me from using 180ft from stream edge as defined by a politician or government agency is basically stealing land away from me. This is land that I've worked hard to purchase and make nice And to do it without notifying me. I just found out about this agenda 5 days ago from a friend. This is sneaky and anytime a government is trying to be sneaky nothing good comes from it.
  3. Good report. Sorry you guys didn't catch any more than you did. Next time it is so hot try hulas and creatures in pumpkin/red flake. I'm not so sure about the buffalo right now but they are tearing them on on a local trib.
  4. I am good friends with all three. Worked for one, dated anothers daughter, and turkey hunted with the third. If you are saying they aren't good people then you just don't know them. I doubt you have been around when one of the "riots" happens. First of all, its not like when they are checking into a camp we could inspect their car to make sure they were not smuggling drugs or guns or knives. Second, we can ask them to behave but human nature keeps them from doing it. Third, these riots happen quick. One moment you are taking the last of the canoes across the tracks and then you get a call on your radio saying they need you help back and the camp because there is a fight and the security guard can't handle it and the police are 10 minutes away. So you race back down to camp with a loaded trailor full of canoes and jump out of the truck and there they are. Like back in school, a bunch of people standing around watching a fight thats out of control. I guess you could say its you fault because you let the wrong people in but how do you know which ones are the good ones. If you want to get onto someone. Get onto Howard. His place is the main reason there are so many problems on the river. He should be fined. He's the one letting strippers perform on his deck. He is the one handing out MJ to everyone. He is the one who plays loud music and caters alcohol to minors. Before you start blaming people. Get out on the river for yourself on 4th of July or Memorial day weekend and watch where the trouble is. Its at saddler falls. I'm not really sure which land owner/s owns the rocks there but it the wanted to enforce no tresspassing laws they could substantially decrease the ruckass on the river. By the way neighbor, you and I are probably friends too. I'm not trying to piss you off but I don't like it when people talk about my friends. If someone was griping about you I would probably take up for you too. Sincerely, Owner of Dry falls.
  5. UHMW is a polymer (plastic) that is attached to the bottom of an aluminum hull. Its similar to what a cutting board is made out of. Slick, boats will just slide off rocks. But you have to see it to believe it.
  6. They are in 45 feet of water back in the coves early. Find the shad and you'll find the stripers.
  7. Many Islands isn't to blame. Spring River Oaks isn't to blame. Riverside isn't to blame. The people that run these places are all good people and try there best to keep the riff raff out. The blame has to go to alcohol/drugs. You take away the alcohol and suddenly the river is not Arkansas' biggest cocktail party with topless girls and fighting hooligans. Can you take it away? I doubt it. Too many people spend too much money on the area and the money generated is all upon the promise of having a good time drinking beer and the possibilty of seeing some girl flash herself to the crowd for cheers and beers. Money is what drives everything that happens. They did that. Its a video called "girls gone wild."
  8. Definetely. You can always catch more fish by wading parts of this river than by just using a boat alone.
  9. I happened to be there last weekend and went up to look at the development. It looks like they are taking measures to cut down on the problem. They hired a landscaping company to seed and help stop the devastaing erosion. I guess its a start.
  10. Unless you have UHMW on the bottom. Unstoppable. I can run the entire Norfork without any trouble at no generation.
  11. would you rather them just fly by you all together or slow down to no wake?
  12. Al, anytime you want to try it again let me know. I would be more than happy to take you on it or some of its lesser know tribs. Matt
  13. Hey guys-new to forum. Was on Riversmallies before. Just wanted to introduce myself.
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