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Allen Fly Fishing

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Everything posted by Allen Fly Fishing

  1. Njardar, I'm sorry that things did not go smooth on your order. I did get surprised with orders during chirstmas and during the month of Jan I was needing to rebuild my stock. I'd admit most of my attetion was focused on my Nano Ti rod, new alpha drag system, and traveling. I did check my msg and noticed you did call and at that time I was unable to return your call. I do try my hardest to return every email and phone call that day. However, sometimes it is taking me more than 24hrs sometimes to get back with someone. I'm still trying to tweak my way of doing things to make things happen faster. I did start using a new software for orders/shipping starting Jan 5th and it has solved the whole Back Order issue. When an order is not shipped it contacts you and also lets you know if something is on Back Order. I feel that this needed to be done and I'm very happy that it is now in use. I'm the first to admit when its time to not do everything yourself. So last week I took on someone on the west coast to help me take some of the load off. I hope this will also lead things further in the right direction. I do feel bad when someone has an issue, because the last thing I want is someone not to be happy. I'd like to offer my apologizes and send you one of my Nano Ti rods in March when my 2nd run is ready. Justin
  2. I sent you a PM about an hour ago. The reels been shipped. Ill send you a tracking number when i get off the road. Thanks Justin
  3. Hi Guys, Patfish, if you would like for me to send you a new reel. I have no problem doing that for the. The small is from the Neoprene reel case. Justin
  4. Hi Jack, Can yous end me your email address. I have 2 other designs being released soon that I want to show you. Just incase they might fit your needs better. Just want to make sure you get the right reel for your needs. Enjoy your day, Justin
  5. Hi Jack, The reel will go out for you this week. Got something else for you aswell in the package
  6. Correct, I told you 12/6 because as stated earlier in another post. I made a mistake on what reel it was. The Trout reels will be done on the 20th in production.
  7. and this is how I fix things if I make a mistake. I am still going to send you the reel as a gift for free
  8. Yes, I made a mistake. I mistakin your order for an Alpha 5/6 not a Trout 5/7. My Trout reels wont be ready until Dec 20th. I would have not takin your order with first letting you know that. Also, when I do make a mistake I for the most part try to make it right. I'm man enough to know if I made a mistake and the first to admit it.
  9. These will take up to 10-12 for delivery. Specials tend to take longer due to the demand.
  10. Hello, been offering christmas specials. I want to offer this for those that might have a need for this. 1500 hooks and a 3/4 or 5/6 fly reel for $75 My hooks are at http://www.allenflyfishing.com/hooks.html I now have my Trout reel in a 3/5 wt aswell http://www.allenflyfishing.com/trout.html If interested, please send me a PM Thank you, Justin
  11. Yes, its only for today. I'll send you a PM
  12. Hello, I wanted to do something today to promote my Trout 5/7wt reel www.allenflyfishing.com/trout.html. If intetested. The reel would be $70 in Gunmetal, Black, and Green. I will give you 5 FREE Fly Boxes and 300 fly hooks for FREE. I will be able to ship the 2nd week of Dec. If interested, please send me a PM or email at allenflyfishing@yahoo.com. Just let me know you are from Ozark Anglers Forum Thanks Justin
  13. sure, its www.allenflyfishing.com
  14. Well, that was fast. Congrats Jack. I'll be sending you the reel soon. I'll be doing things like this on the board from time to time now Thanks again Justin
  15. Hi Everyone, I received my new Alpha reels this week and I'm very happy with them. So I want to give away a FREE 5/6wt reel. The first one to send me a PM its yours. 5/6 - 4.93oz 7/8 - 5.37oz 9/10 - 6.10oz Thanks Justin
  16. Hello, Been awhile and I'm sorry for that. Was a little busy the last few months. Got married, moved to Michigan, and got my internet back up last week. I didnt want to take on more things until we settled in. With that being said. I have some new products that I would like to share with this board. First, is the Trout Reel. I am releasing the Trout reel in a 3/5 for $60. If interesed, please contact me. Thanks Justin
  17. Hi Chris, Yes, I am have my Trout Reel being made now in a 3/5. They wont be ready until around October. Thanks Justin
  18. 7/8 XL Current Model Close out! Hello, I had some oversized XL 7/8 reels made awhile ago as a test to see what size/weight I want the new #78 XL to be that is comining out in mid September. I ended up doing a full production run on these and would like to offer them to those on the board for $48 each. The warrenty is not an issue. Anything I sell I back it up. Reel Dia 4" 1.09" Spool Width .77" Spool Depth Weight 6.23oz The cost is $48.00 each. I do have some spar spools that were made aswell. Those are $36 each. **** Also have stock in my 3/4 and 5/6 XL aswell for $48.00 PM me if interested. Thanks again for everything, Justin "Allen"
  19. Hey Brian, it was nice talking with you a few days ago. I have that rod going out to you today. Let me know when you get it.
  20. Hi Tito, Thanks for the msg. I just sent you an email. Thanks again, Justin
  21. Sure, heres a photo of the backside. Thanks again, Justin "Allen"
  22. Hello, It's here. My new Trout Series design. For forum members the discounted cost is $70. Contact me if interested. Thank you, Justin "Allen"
  23. Hi Everyone, I am releasing my new Trout Series this week. Thanks again Justin "Allen"
  24. Hi Everyone, Wanted to offer my fly line discount on this forum as I do with a few others. I have WFF, DT Floating, Intermediate, and Sinking lines. The wts are from 3wt to 9wt. All lines are $9.50 each. you can view the line colors on my site here If you have any questions, please send me a PM Thank you, Justin "Allen"
  25. Updated; 4/23/10 - Waterproof Fly Box
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