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Chris Gates

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Chris Gates

  1. It's a hair high and a bit off color. Better have some larger split shot and a heavy grain sink tip.
  2. I have never landed a 20+ inch bow on the NFOW. We hooked in to one the last trip I was there, I would say 21 to 22, sounds like a fish tail but I'll say it anyway. Got him to the side of the boat and then he made one last run and broke off. By far the largest rainbow I have had an encounter with on that river. What I did notice the last trip I was there is that I caught a ton of 12 inch fish nymphing and hardly any in the 15 inch range. Usually hook in to a couple of those but not that day. The fatty football bows seemed to be replaced with a bunch of 1 year olds.
  3. Does the Fly shop sell Schaefer, STAG, or PBR? You mentioned everything you need to fish the river. Just wondering..
  4. The White is a big river and is completely different then Taney like Zach said. Taney is a ditch and the White is a great place. Plenty of river to find your own water away from the crowds if you want. Often time the trophy water of the Current can feel more crowded then the White, even on the busiest of weekends. I echo the thoughts on the Caddis Hatch at the Current. I was down there last weekend and saw the heaviest hatches I have ever seen down there.
  5. Nice Fish! I bet your client was thrilled.
  6. Good work, looks like a hell of a trip! Anyone who camps in an MSR tent in February, drinks PBR in a RO Skiff while fishing the 11 Point is doing it right! Good Stuff.
  7. Sean, Glad to hear you had such a great trip! Some buddies and I are going to be down there the weekend of March 25th if you can make it. If the water is muddy at that time because of rain we may hit the Eleven Point instead, we'll see how it plays out. Come up if you can make it. Good info on the skiff at 1100. I believe the highest flow I can get under Patrick is 650. I love the North Fork of the White this time of the year through May!
  8. My favorites are the NFOW and the Eleven Point and everytime I am down at Sunburst I am on a budget. Justin's place is great for that. However, I definately recommend a canoe for that deal. If I am going to wade fish only I think the Current would be a great option. Camp for free down at Parker access and you have all the wade fishing you would want for a weekend. If you already fish the current a lot and looking for something different then this may not appeal to you. Good luck!
  9. Myself and a couple buddies will be down there tonight through Sunday at Sunburst. If you are camping at Sunburst come by our campsite and have a beer. We'll hook you up with some good bugs. Look for the blue tacoma pick up with the yakima rack
  10. Good Livin! And those fish thought they had a day off because it was Super Bowl Sunday! Think Again.
  11. The best way to fish the river is by renting a watercraft of some kind and floating throughout. Both places are quality outfits and probably can't go wrong with either. I am friends with Justin and know he will take care of you over at Sunburst. Good Luck!
  12. Went down to the current today 1-22-11. My good friends Ryan, Nick, and myself traveled down from Jeff City to try out the river. We were hoping to fish from Baptist down but they had some snow on the road down to Baptist and didn't want to get stuck so we went to Tan Vat instead. I fished down and my friends stayed up above Tan Vat. Fishing was great on midge larva and also size 20 X caddis in late morning. I was surprised how many fish I caught given the sunny skies. After fishing the river and not being able to go down to Baptist without wading all the way down we decided to fish the park. Quite a few gents there so we jumped around and tried to hit some obscure places. I definately recommend the park on Sundays vs Sat during catch and release season. Tightlines.
  13. If you have some newbs on the NFOW they are going to struggle. 90% of the people that fish this river go home licked. It's the best river in the state of Missouri in my opinion but the techniques needed for success are different then most in Missouri excluding the Eleven Point. I highly recommend Brian Wise, Kyle Kosovich or one of the other guides at ROLF. If you decide to fish on your own then definately float. ROLF is a nice place but the falls and surrounding is overrated in terms of fishing. There are many other spots along the river I would rather spend my day then wading up in down in front of ROLF. My favorite time to fish the NFOW is in April and May. Nothing better around here then that river in the spring.
  14. Ha! That is great Gavin, Im pretty sure that is the only poker table to sit on the Current River. Classic!
  15. The griffiths gnat is usually the ticket on midge hatches on the current from my experience. That being said I carry a few midge soft hackles, like a Syl's midge I believe. Honestly though, I usually use this in Arkansas on the tailwaters more then the current. I agree with Gavin though, if they are eating dries it is usually Caddis at the current, rarely do I see them sipping midge dries exclusively. The exception to this also is the tricos in the summer.
  16. I feel uncomfortable about staying down at the Sunburst cabins, alone, in the cold.....
  17. How many days a year do I have to camp at Sunburst to get a complimentary stocking cap with the wrestling deer?? That being said if Creepy hasn't earned his complimentary hat yet, I may have a ways to go.
  18. It was a great trip and great seeing you guys! It's plug and play it seems every time I get my info from Sloss. He knows the river and were usually prepared because of it. Can't wait to hit the 11 point again soon!
  19. I just got a 10 ft. 4 Greys for the Euro Nymphing setup. New to that gig so I hope I didn't screw up buying a 10 instead of 11
  20. Sounds like a great day! That river is awesome!
  21. Your videos get better every season! Great work bud, see you on the river!
  22. Awesome boat bud! Always good to see more drift boats in the Ozarks. Does it have a place to hold a lot of beer?
  23. Glad to see your fishing again now that things have slowed down !
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