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Everything posted by Badpuma

  1. Me and Jim fished many tournaments together and this news has hit me hard. He was not just a friend but a Brother. His friends will miss him and those that didn't get a chance to know him will forever be at a loss. He had a heart as big as they come. He loved to fish and his dogs. I meet Jim down at Pappy Rays. He was looking for a partner to fish the winter series with. From there we became brothers and fished tournments together whenever we could work it out with my work schedule. I set here and think about our phone call yesterday when he Butt dialed me. I know he is in a better place tonight but that doesn't help with the pain right now. To my brother fish hard up there and we will see you again one day on the water, where we can laugh and joke around while we rush from spot to spot in search of the big one..
  2. NO they will not allow you to use your boat on Fellows lake. The fishing is crappie,bass,catfish is generally good. The lake gets really clear so blue bird skies and no wind makes it really tuff. And they have some big toothey creatures.
  3. Barrel swivel and this will let you pre rig them and store on a peice of syro-foam. Saves time and something to do when its snowing
  4. If you want a tournament for fun and a good cause May 8th cystic fibroisis tournament on lake northfork. They give alot of money each year for the kids. They give alot of door prises from some great companies so if your weekend is open try to make it.
  5. Trying to shrink picture for the profile any ideas?
  6. The Micro guides will decrease the wheight on the blank and will increase feel. The other benefit is less wind knots when casting braided line, increased casting distance. I know this is hard to beleive but it is true. On the Rodbuilders.org site their has been alot of testing and arguing over this matter. I have built a few of them and have really been surprised by the performance. Oh I almost forgot the rod looks good balanced at the handle good job.
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