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Forum Terms & Rules


Everyone who registers and makes any posts on this forum, they are responsible for the content of the posts.  The owner of this site is not responsible for the content posted on this site by members. The admin/owner retains the right to keep all posts and membership in tact, in the case of a request for deletion, for the integrity of the forum/site.

Display names:  You CAN use spaces.

Please take a moment to review these rules detailed below. If you agree with them and wish to proceed with the registration, simply click the "Register" button below. To cancel this registration, simply hit the 'back' button on your browser.

First- we all will respect each other - no bashing or being rude.

Second- no "shoot cursing". That's when bad words are altered to get by the admin... it won't this admin.

Third- OAF doesn't mind links posted to other sites as long as they are sites of interest by OAF folks. Of course no inappropriate sites will be tolerated. Posting links is acceptable by "frequent users and contributors' of OAF. Please don't "spam" the board with nothing but links, no matter if the sites are useful to anglers or not.

Fourth (and this has become a big one) - Please read some of the forums, threads and articles before posting questions. Chances are someone has already asked your questions, whether it be about current fishing or upcoming conditions. If your question is relative-- go for it! But please don't post "How's fishing?" or "What are they biting on?" if that subject has already been covered.

Fifth - Political conversation is for another venue, not this fishing forum.  There is, though, a fine line between conservation politics and the other politics.  The admin reserves the right to close, lock or delete topics that go astray.

Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message.

The messages express the views of the author of the message, not the views of this bulletin board, its owner or representatives. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise illegal.

You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bulletin board.  Once posted, the material becomes part of public domain and is no longer considered protected by copyrights or any other private right, as long as it's no copied or plagiarized from another internet site or other private or public publication.

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