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I always wondered what the famous PMS fly actually was. Thanks for sharing.


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell


Alright Leonard... I know what you mean now! It gives it a forked tail look! gotcha!

"Its clearly Bree time baby!"

Member: 2009 U.S. Youth Fly-Fishing Team. Competed Czech Republic. 7th Place Team

Member: 2010 U.S. Youth Fly-Fishing Team. Competed Slovakia. 4th Place Team

Member: 2010 U.S. Youth Fly-Fishing Team. Competed The America Cup. 4th Place Team


Looked like a good fly so I thought I'd tie a few up. However, instead of using pine squirrel (didn't have any), I used zonker strips, put on some lead wire to weigh it down and added flashabou to the side to make a lateral line sort of thing. I did them in black, olive and white/grey. They look promising.

I'll post a picture or two here in a day or two.

Zach Smith


I've never had much luck palmering marabou. I've watched a couple you tube videos on it. Any tips Leonard or zsmith or anyone else for that matter?

“Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau

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Palmering marabou is best done using the select marabou. It has a longer stem that can be wrapped around several times.

Found that out the hard way...It will look kind of funny when you're doing it, but the finished product usually works out. just make sure that when you get done palmering down the marabou, you go back over it a little ways so that it flares backwards like in Leonard's pictures.

Zach Smith


Hey Leonard Skeonard,

I hope your foot is feelin better Bud.

I tied my PMS simpler with a blood quill plume tied straight down the shank as a tail (like a wooly bugger) and I used half as much flash, usually two different colors flash of whatever I felt like using at the time. I use pearl and red the most. I tied some with black flash on olive squirrel that I haven't tried yet. Some nights, straight up pine squirrel is the same as PMS. Other times I've seen a 2:1 difference with a PMS advantage.


Don May

I caught you a delicious bass.


Don't forget to tie some in black also, last time up my son's friend's girl friend wanted to tie a fly because I had everything out on the table and I said sure I need some in black anyway. All I did was put a bead on the hook and put it in the vise and told her what to do and held the strip (I was using black rabbit strips I think) then let her palmer it up to the bead and tie it off. I used it the next night when the fog set in and caught 7 the last 15 minutes I fished.

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