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Made it to RRSP on Wednesday afternoon. Conditions were horrible. Dry hollow looked like the Mississippi. The water was up, flowing fast, and had a brown/green color to it. Anyway, I left the fly rods in the bag and rigged up a spinning rod. Fished for a couple of hours in Zone 1. Tied on the heaviest peachy king globall jig I could find in the gear bag and added (2) pretty good size split shot 18" above it. Used 6 lb. fluorocarbon. Caught (5) and was glad to get that. Early Thursday, I fished in Zone 1 in the first couple of pools up from dry hollow and caught (2) on the same peach globall rig. One fish measured 22" (biggest fish of the trip). The action slowed and I moved to Zone 2 and fished from the end of campground 3 upstream to the showerhouse. Made this loop several times on Thursday and ended up catching 17 for the day, all on globalls, in falling water conditions. Did manage to to bring (3) to hand on the flyrod using a smaller apricot supreme/red dot globall on Thursday afternoon. Pretty much a chuck-n-duck delivery with that split shot whizzing by your ear. The biggest fish on Thursday was 18.5" caught in the pool driectly in front of the 2nd sitting bench (heading upstream toward the showerhouse). The fish were there, you just had to be patient and had to fish heavy and deep. Lots of people in the park, pretty good weather, water conditions were bad ... but the fish were there if you fished slow and deep. Woke up Friday morning and headed to BSSP (see that report in the BSSP area). PC

Cheers. PC


Tough conditions. Way to perservere. Did I spell that right?


That was really good considering the water condtions, a 22" and a 18 1/2" trout are very good sized trout. Sounds like you did pretty well. I fished a bit this morning with a 1/8th oz jig, only caught 2 neither were very big, but I did see a nice fish trying to jump up into the falls, it was at leat 20"

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



Tim .... stopped by the shop Wednesday and you were closed. Stopped in again on Thursday and you were out. I did have a good chat with the guy that was there and purchased some globalls. I was surprised by the 22 incher. It was pretty cool on Thursday AM and my hands were numb. I was using the spinning rig and the hit was hard and the fight was good. Measured right at 22" and released in the same pool (I think it was the second pool up from dry hollow .... the pool above the 1st pier?) The guy fishing next to me couldn't believe that I was going to release it. He was doing pretty good on a real heavy white jig. The 18.5" was taken at about 1:00PM in Zone 2 with the fly rod and was a male with a kype jaw. Kind of a lazy fish not much fight to him. Most of the fish I caught Zone 2 were real healthy .... even "fat". Had a good time but it was probably the worst conditions that I have fished at RRSP. PC

Cheers. PC


What shape will the river be in Easter Sunday? B) Dan-o



It will still be high and brown most likely.

I don't think it will change much the next week

or so. I've seen it clear up almost overnight,

but the spring is murky right now, so it will probably

still be murky sunday.

It is getting better everyday, but it will take time for

it to clear and for the water level to drop to a normal


Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



Thanks for the info. Can you suggest some flies to try under such conditions? Any help would be mucho appreciated. B) Dan-o



Glo-balls, san juan worms, big woolybuggers, bright colored nymphs, flashback nymphs like a copper john.

Bright colored brassies can be good in off colored water.

I did talk to one of my buddies today and he had caught a few fish on a chartruse grub tied on a 1/100th jig head, he was fishing it about 36" under an indicator in the eddies along the river. He told me he caught 17 doing this method.

I think he caught a few of them on a glo-ball, but he was using a indicator all day long, and 6X tippet.

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop


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