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Looking at the USGS Gauge ... it looks like BSSP is up again. A few weeks of stability and now back to high water. PC

Cheers. PC


Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water. I agree with RC.....DRAT!!!


Eat, Fish, Sleep,....Repeat

Member: ozarkflyfishers http://www.ozarkflyfishers.org/


Let's hope they don't get the rain they are suppose to the next few days.


I was planning on going down the 19th on Monday or friday the 23rd. gotta get a trip in this month.


My India trip got delayed by 2 weeks .... I depart now on the 23rd instead of the 9th. I'm considering a trip to BSSP on the 16th or the 19th.

Cheers. PC



Right now it looks like my boss and I will be down there the morning of the 16th. Will have to sleep a couple hours having been up all night. Then hit the stream. We will be in my truck and have Dixie with us!!

Check out Weavers site. Brenda posted a BULLETIN last night. It is up 22" and plan for more rain. This year is definitely a bust.


blue line.png


I read Weavers report. This really sucks! I'm not going with the water this high. Maybe by friday May 23rd the stream will be better. I was hoping to go down the 19th but I may wait.

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