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Howdy folks! My name is Steve King and believe it or not, I happened upon this new forum by accident. I knew about the Ozark Angelers great informative website, but never knew that a new forum was started up. I must say, I love the look and colors. I can't believe it's almost springtime again. Hopefully my luck will pan out at on the Current this year, unlike years past.

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Does anyone know what "NAVY" stands for? "Never Again Volunteer Yourself". I learned this early on in my Navy days and it always stuck with me when it was time for the crap work to be dished out, lol. I highly respect the Marines, in fact, even ate chow with them in my bootcamp days due to the fact that their galley was undergoing renovations. There was a clear visual difference in how they ate chow and we ate chow. The best word that could sum it up would be "robotic", lol. Anyway, I made the BIG MISTAKE of bumping into a Marine drill instructor with my tray of food while not looking where I was going. Let me tell ya, he ripped my butt up down and all around. I never bumped into another person .......... to this day.



That now makes it two to one in favor of the sailor over the marines!

A couple more sailors and you guys may stand a chance. :lol:

You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.

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