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About 3 weeks ago my 6 year old son told me he wanted to take me fishing for Father's Day. Can any father out there dream of a better gift?

I went online and made reservations at the campground for Saturday night. Can anyone tell me what the usual crowds are like at Roaring River for Father's Day? I was there for the opener this year so big crowds aren't going to scare me away, I was just curious.

From what I've read on here and on Tim's report it looks like things are going pretty good fishing-wise. I'm anxious to get my son down there so he can teach me a thing or two with his new fly rod ;)

Thanks in advance for any info. If you're down and want to say HI - I'll be the guy with the perma-smile on his face :D


1200-1500 anglers on the river on fathers day is not uncommon, but I'll bet this year it will be less than that.

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop


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Did the storm affect you all much? It looks like the real bad stuff passed to the North but you can't always tell looking at radar. Any weather and/or fishing updates for this weekend would be awesome!


73 - live in Cassville and so far light showers all day. No heavy rains. I think the big stuff went north. Water should be in good shape for the weekend.


AKA Flysmith - Cassville MO

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That's pretty much what I saw on the radar but it's always nice to hear it from someone local. Thanks for the report!!

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It looks like it may have gotten a little worse but hopefully that will move out by this evening.

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