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We've been using our secret weapon...the shad are too hard to keep alive even with a good bait tank. The bigger the redbreast sunfish the better. :)


Hi SamK. Could you relate how clear the water is throughout the lake, or even just the dam area? Wife and I were down there about 5 weeks ago, and it was a little clear near the dam, but very muddy around point 5 flats where all the striper guides were at.

Hoping for improvement. Thx. Steady...


We concentrated on Lost Bridge area and up...I would guess the mud line is pushing up towards the Rocky Branch area by now. Up around pt. 3 you can see down about 6'-8'...which isn't even close to normal but getting better than it has been. I would bet you can see down 10-12 feet up by the dam. Other than that the lake looks nice...still really high but the water condition looks good.



SK, thanks for the info. I have never fished live bait for Stripers. Do you mind telling how you are rigging your bream?? Thanks, BW


I went out three times this weekend. One trip with my 7yr. old son for perch, another trip Sat. afternoon for some late afternoon/night fishing, and a quick trip to the lake Sunday to test a new sonar unit.

Two trips I launched from Rocky Branch. The dock is back and the water is clearer than it has been. i think you can see 6ft in that area pretty easy with temps in the mid 80's. With all the boats this weekend, there were random rolling waves all over the lake so that made fishing points interesting. Sunday, I launched from P. Creek and the water was even warmer there at 87 degrees! GEEZ! I feel like I fishing at SWEPCO! Hardly a fish on the graph and you couldn't even find any on points. Water is too warm and with all the boat traffic churning the water, I bet they are either tucked way back in a deep pocket or non existant in that area. My gut tells me towards the dam is better. Out near Cliffty and Lost Bridge.

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He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!

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