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I don't really fish for SM specifically, I tend to fish for bass in general. I've noticed that I have been catching some really nice smallmouth on the bigger spinnerbaits that I throw for largemouth. I have found a few baits that will catch all of the different bass and I have trouble changing. Pretty much the same as Sunday. I fished two baits all day and didn't feel the need to change. Do you ever do any fly fishing on Shoal Creek? I've had some really good luck with the bigger smallmouth wading and dead drifting Crawdads and Helgramites. I have found one wadeable stretch that has produced SM's in the range of 2 to 2 1/2 lbs. I haven't waded it yet this year but I will in the next few weeks. There's nothing like hooking a 2 pounder on a flyrod.


P.S. I do think that lure choices make a difference, but with the right presentation a bass is still a bass.

If fishing was easy it would be called catching.



I am the same way on just fishing for all bass in general, I enjoy catching whatever hits my bait.

I really enjoy flipping for rock bass on shoal creek. I target them sometimes but you never know

when a good bass will suck it in, thats fun trying to get them over logs :lol:

Using a flyrod is something I have not done yet. Casted a couple a few times, enough the last time

that I started thinking it might be kinda fun. Maybe the wife will let me get one some day.


Jeremy Dodson



It seems like last year we caught alot more smallmouth during the second half of that long Ritchie to Wagonwheel float, including some really nice ones-- 2 to 2 1/2 lbs. They are definitely in there, as Chief and Mrbuzib found out. Last year, we usually caught (i would estimate) 40% Smallies, 40% LM, and the rest Kentuckies and Goggleyes over the whole stretch-- but we picked up alot of our Smallies during the second half of the float. We fish slow stuff (jigs and plastics) and they would usually hammer it pretty good. It is a good float-- you'll catch'em next time. It will take you a few more floats to figure out (again-- because it has changed since you've been gone) which stretches to fish hard and which ones to motor thru. We're gonna go soon-- I will report back what we find.

Good luck guys!


P.S. Way to go Chief and MrBuzib... sounds like you guys had some fun! ;)

"Success builds confidence, and you have to learn to trust your instincts and forget about fishing the way a tournament is supposed

to be won. I'm going to fish my style and make it work for me." -KEVIN VANDAM

"Confidence is the best lure in your tackle box." -GERALD SWINDLE

"A-Rig? Thanks, but no thanks. If I can't catch them on the conventional tackle that I already use, then I guess I just can't catch them." -LK (WHACK'EM)

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