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I decited to get one last fishing trip in with my girls before school started. 6,8 and 10 years. I rolled them out at 5 am and we were off. We grabbed some donuts at wally world and made it to the river about 10 minutes to spare. We got spread and a quick adjustment because 2 foot between each of us was not going to be enough. And the whistle blew!! The fun was just beginning! After three failed attempts from three girls and untangling each one after the whistle blew I thought "now we can fish" Remember all this took place at 1 minute after 7:00. At approx 7:03 I hear "Daddy I need to go the bathroom"!! UGH!! After two counting to 10 and a small bead of sweat down my forehead. I said "OK let all go to the bathroom". We trooped it up and got everything taken care of and back we went to our spot. Man was it a beautiful morning I kept thinking!!! Two minutes passed and "Daddy my reel wouldn't reel". The little Zebco had let me down!! It was only 25 years old and I was praying for two more hours of good use but NOPE!! Well we loaded up again in the truck and went to the fish hatchery. That was a high light of the morning so far. We got done feeding the fish and discussed our options and they wanted to fish some more and my oldest said she wanted to try the fly rod out because we were down one reel. I worked with her for a while and she actually did pretty good!! Things were looking up, I thought. My second in command said hey Daddy I caught a dead fish!! Yes sir!! DeaD!! Guess who has to take it off!!! That's a smell I will not forget soon!!! At this moment I started to see my life pass before my eyes and decited it was time to go home. We made it home safe and you know what? I would not trade even one second of today with my girls for the whole world!!!! This was my day and I hope you all had one for the books also!! P.S. We did catch fish!! :D

Smiles are free



Who really cares about catching fish when your having all that other fun! Sounds like you had a Great trip, having 3 girls myself (2,5,&6) I totally understand counting to 10, the bead of sweat, the bathroom trips, the untangling, etc,... but I especially understand not wanting to trade the day for anything! Good job murdoc. it's also good to know that the life span of a zebco is 24 yrs, 364 days and 22 hours.LOL!!!

I didn't go to college,... I was too busy learning stuff. --Ted Nugent

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